Storm last night dropping around a half inch of rain along with some wind. The wind did bring down a fair number of trees but we cleared all the ones off the bike course and some off the ski trails. Other trail maintenance today has the course back to great shape. The rain was good to settle the dust and tack up the track. The course is in great shape and looking good. We will blow out the entire singletrack sections the rest of this week, removing leaves and small twigs etc. We also have been mowing on the ski trails throughout the summer, preparing them for winter and cutting trees from winds earlier this month. The ski trails are in great shape for this time of year. A few areas of erosion from the hard rain but will repair in the Fall.
The trails are open for mountain biking, hiking and trail running throughout the Fall until the snow flies for real. The trails are closed to horses and motorized use. There is no charge to use the trails. If you do ride, all we ask is you clear and sticks etc. if you can. The mtb course starts near the Great Northern Cabin and is marked for beginners to advanced riders. Follow the white signs with black arrows. The singletrack sections are labeled easier or more difficult/advanced. The advanced loop is around 7.4 miles, taking 40 min to 1.5 hrs to complete. Please park in the parking lot by the first freight house as you enter the Maplelag property. The other mowed ski trails are open for riding as well. Enjoy!