Trail Report

Cooler weather on the move today with a few passing showers this morning. Total precipitation less than a tenth of an inch. Most recent rainfall last Friday around .5″ of precipitation which was very much welcomed. Overall the fall has been very dry and conditions have been good for working on the trails.

We have been busy on the trails clearing deadfall and blowing leaves off the trails. We try to have the trails as cleared as possible so the frost can set when cold temperatures come and we can groom and open the trails on minimal snow.  

We are just past our peak of Fall color but beautiful autumn scenes remain in place with the woods still golden. Incredible Northern Lights recently we were fortunate to catch over Island lake on the Maplelag property. Big time wind last Saturday bringing down a few dead trees and lots of branches and twigs we have been clearing on the entire trail system. Dry conditions prevail with no significant moisture the past 5 weeks.        

.65″ rainfall to date in October. Total rainfall in September at .44″. August rainfall at 3.2″. Rainfall the month of July at 5.71″. Total rainfall in June at 7.56″. It was also a very wet month of May with right around 8″ of rain. Since January 1st, we have received almost 28″ of rain.                

 Mountain bike trails now open. (click here for updates)

Sunset over Little Sugarbush lake next to Maplelag, October 21st, 2024.
Leaf clearing on Wavy Gravy ski trail, October 21st, 2024.

Fall color scene on Mother North Star trail, October 20th, 2024.
Tamarac trees starting to change color, October 17th, 2024. The only coniferous tree to change color and lose their needles.
Clearing singletrack, October 17th, 2024.
MEA mountain biking! October 17th, 2024. 
Clearing deadfall and leaves on Sukkerbusk, October 16th, 2024. Wood on sides will be cut up for firewood next spring.
Maple near the Big Dipper cabin at fall color peak, October 15th, 2024.
Fall grooming, October 15th, 2024.
Fall grooming on Skaters Waltz, October 15th, 2024.
New welcome sign day! Another great sign by our painter Pat! October 15th, 2024. 
Heading out to the trails for Fall grooming, October 11th, 2024.
Mother North Star ski trail, October 11th, 2024. 
Autumn scene over south Twin Lake on the Maplelag property, October 9th, 2024.
Maplelag driveway, October 9th, 2024.
Northern Lights over island lake on the Maplelag property, October 7th, 2024.
Maples near the switchyard at their peak this week, October 7th, 2024.
Fall color on the Bullhead connector! October 6th, 2024. 
Fall grooming, October 5th, 2024.
Touch of frost on the low areas, October 4th, 2024.
Fall grooming, October 3rd, 2024.
dEnjoying the fall colors along the Maplelag driveway on a evening ride, October 3rd, 2024. 
Fog rolling off Little Sugarbush lake, October 4th, 2024.
Maplelag driveway at the fork, go left! September 30th, 2024.
Scene at Twin Lakes, September 30th, 2024. 
Maples in Switchyard starting to put on a nice display of fall color, September 28th, 2024.
Calm morning on Little Sugarbush lake, September 28th, 2024.
Twin Lakes ski trail crossing, September 28th, 2024.
Swans on Twin Lakes, September 28th, 2024.
Morning scene along Mother North Star ski trail, September 28th, 2024. 
Fall color near the Red and Orange caboose, September 23rd, 2024.
Fall riding at it’s best on the mountain bike trails, September 24th, 2024.
Woolly bear caterpillar on trail! September 17th, 2024. More black than gold means more snow!
Incredible northern lites next to the full moon, September 16th, 2024.
New Maplealg sign at the fork, September 12th, 2024. The woods are slowly coming alive with Fall color.