Fat Bike Trail Report

Fat Bike Trails Open A snowy 7 days with almost a foot of powder in that time frame. Friday the Twin Lakes and SukkerWest segments were groomed, 2″ of snow falling after grooming. Very nice riding on the smooth and challenging track, bit slower going. Bullhead Bootleg is filling up with snow and might be a while until we can have this trail in better riding condition. Even without bootleg there is 12km of trail available to ride if using Skaters Waltz. 

To access Twin Lakes singletrack only, take driveway down and start at bridge section. SukkerWest also accessed off the driveway for a good starter/beginner loop. 

The FatLagChilada includes the east side of Bullhead Bootleg loop and the west side of Twin Lakes. Ski trail segments and inner singletrack in between along with crossing of Bullhead lake consists of the “FatLagChilada”.   

 Click here to be part of the Strava Maplelag Mountain Bike Community

Snowy night ride, February 7th, 2025.
Twin Lakes singletrack, February 5th, 2025.
Twin Lakes lakeside singletrack, February 5th, 2025. Yellow caution tape marks the area to use a little extra caution!