Greetings! I am not embracing this “world wide web stuff” but to stay “in the loop” with the rest of the world, including our boys and Jay, I will try………..
Summer went very quickly and when asked “How was your summer?” I tend to reply, “Great, only one trip to the ER, this summer.” (Jens “hooked” his back, fishing off the dock) Which I think sums it up, as we have four VERY active boys. So long, naptime (in case you have read my previous articles from our newsletter).
This fall was a huge change for me, all of the boys are in school. So, for the first time in 15 years 3 months, I have no one at home but Jay! I haven’t sat around once to ponder, what will I do now? But, I do miss them all terribly and honestly it was harder taking Jake to the high school than it was to leave Jens with the kindergarten teacher.
The store is full of new merchandise, I will re-stock it again for winter and I have some custom jewelry pieces on the way. I have my list of suggestions from last winter, I will do my best to accommodate. We had our “favorite” pumpkin lady, Virgie Ziegler, deliver all of the beautiful harvest decorations two weeks ago and now you will find all of the varieties scattered through out Maplelag, inside and out! The fall season is going quickly, with two more weddings, the pumpkin run and other retreats, the snow months will be here before we know it………think snow and come visit us again soon! Jonell