Winter wonderland! A snowy Sunday at Maplelag as 6-8″ of snow with some deeper pockets blanketing the trails. Another inch or two overnight leaving close to 10″ of new snow in areas with some drifts over 2 feet! The first 3-4″ very wet and bending a lot of branches etc. Very beautiful in the woods where the wind hasn’t blown down the snow. A busy week of clearing branches and grooming on tap but a great start for the week with all the fresh snow. With wind still blowing on Monday, it will take a few days to have the trails groomed proper. We set track on a handful of trails Monday afternoon but mostly packing until the wind settles down. We aren’t aggressive on our branch cutting so heads up when skiing until the branches spring back!
A great day on the trails Saturday! We did warm up to the mid 30’s and actually warmed up a bit more into the evening but the base of transformed snow skied nicely and there was no stickiness to speak of. The tracks did glaze a bit making for a few adjustments in the waxing for the waxable skis but skating was great all day, maybe a bit slower when it warmed up but bottomline folks were skiing and as we have said, no reason not to ski.
Trails that have been groomed and open with tracks set: Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes, North Loup, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star, Sap Run, Wavy Gravy, Island Lake, Roy’s Run and JibFly. Skaters Waltz, the extension and North Loup groomed for skating. Please no skating on trails other than Skaters Waltz, North Loup and the extension of Skaters. North Loup also has a track set. Please note portions of certain trails will not be groomed this year due to change in the lease and management on AMA property.
Total snowfall since December 15th=31″, compacted base on trail 7-10″. Snow depth in the woods 20-30″. Total snowfall since December 1st, 37″. Total snowfall since November 20th= 39″. We had a warm spell that melted most of the snow from November 20th and December 1st other than the north facing areas. First grooming of the season on November 20th after 2″ of snowfall.
The trails are open for public day skiing. Trail access pass is $15. Ski rental is $15 a day. Lunch available for day skiers during the Midweek by reservation. Contact us to reserve and for pricing.