All posts by admin
Fat Bike Report
The fat bike conditions are good on area forest roads and folks can also go on the packed snowshoe trail. A few folks have been on the twin lakes singletrack but expect deeper snow and challenging riding. Check with Jay on where to ride if you bring your fat bike to Maplelag.
Fat biking has exploded in popularity in recent years, opening the door to unlimited winter cycling adventures! Even though cross country skiing is our number one focus in the winter time, being avid cyclists at Maplelag, we can’t deny the fun on a fat bike! This winter we will have the snowshoe trail and Twin Lakes single track open for fat biking. Fat biking will not be allowed on the ski trails. There are also area forest roads that are good fat biking. We will do our best to keep the Twin Lakes single track packed for fat biking during the winter. Ski trail grooming will take priority but riders are encouraged to and snowshoers welcome to help pack out the trail as well!
Access to the Twin Lakes single track is off the Maplelag driveway at the bridge section. After the “bridge” section, riders will come to the ski trail and will follow the ski trail for a short while before entering the single track. The loop is right around 3 miles and comes back to the driveway. When traveling on the ski trail, please stay off the tracks when tracks are set. The proper area to ride will be in between the ski tracks.
Any questions on fat biking at Maplelag, please feel free to contact us. At this time we do not have rentals but hoping to have a fat biking fleet to rent in the near future.

Detroit Lakes Invitational Ski Meet

We are excited to be hosting the Detroit Lakes Invitational Ski Meet!! It has been a challenging winter with low snow but we have been working hard on the trails to have as good as possible conditions for the skiers.
* Maplelag’s kitchen staff will be offering a home made lunch which will be available for spectators in the main level of the lodge for only $5
* spectators watching on trail are encouraged to use skis. If you must walk, please stay 2-3 feet off the side of the trail to protect our thin base of snow. There is no problem walking through the woods with good winter boots.
*for the safety of all, please, no pets.
Race Details
Skate Race Only on Skaters Waltz Ski Trail
***Varsity skiers will skate a 2 lap course approximately 8.7 km (limit 10 per school)
***Jr. Varsity skiers will skate a one lap 4.3 km race.
***Jr. High skiers will skate a 3.5 km race.
10:30am Boys Varsity
11:15am Girls Varsity
12:30pm Boys JV
1:00pm Girls JV
1:45pm Boys JH
2:15pm Girls JH

Mountain Bike Trail Report
With deer hunting season now ending, the mountain bike trails will be open for fat biking until more snow. We are hoping to maintain around 10km of trail for fat biking during the winter months.
A great weekend on the mountain bike trails with the 24th running of the Laddies Loppet mountain bike race. Thanks to everyone who came and participated, sponsored, volunteered, and helped make it another great weekend. Coverage from Sunday and coverage from Saturday’s racing on
The current loop being maintained, rated intermediate to advanced (Sport/Comp/Expert), is around 9 miles. The sections of singletrack on the main loop branch off the ski trail to adjust desired loop accordingly. Follow citizen signs to get directly back to lodge. The west loop or Twin Lakes singletrack is 100% intermediate to advanced singletrack and is 3 miles in length (part of the 9 mile loop) this loop can be accessed off the driveway by the wooden bridge. The sport comp expert loop is around 9 miles and features over 1200 ft of climbing on the lap. The KidsComp/ citizen loop is just under 3 miles.
The Sport/Comp/Expert loop starts lakeside by the Northern Pacific building adjacent to the Lucky’s Loype ski trail near the lakeside. The advanced loop can also be accessed by starting left on Skaters Waltz to bypass the lakeside section. Please note that the section of trail that follow Bullhead bay is closed for riding. This section is marked off. The majority of the Maplelag trail system runs on our property. We are riders and racers that hand built all the trail with help from other riders and racers. We maintain the trails privately with no funding or assistance but we are glad to share our dirt! Please contact us at [email protected] if you plan to ride or call 218-375-4466 if any questions on conditions or riding. Thanks and Enjoy!
Keep the wheels moving!!

Work on new mtb singletrack, July 3rd, 2014.

Ski and Be Yoga Retreat
Yoga retreat at Maplelag for both male and females. Yoga instruction features mixed style, intermediate level.
Click here for a direct link to more information
Click here to register and for more information (scroll down after entering the website)
Thursday, January 29