Category Archives: Cooking

Behind the Scenes Baking

Head chef Deb pulling another batch of home made fresh bread out of the oven next to some of the hundreds of thousands of cookies for the five bottomless cookie jars. Maplelag sells fresh bread on select days with proceeds for the Laddies Loppet mountain bike weekend. You may also order and we can ship frozen loaves!

Due to a large cancellation the first weekend in February, we have good openings the weekend of February 4th-6th. Check availability online for cabin openings.

Latest trail report on the trail report page.

Evening at the Parilla

Last weekends wedding guests enjoying "asado" from the "parilla".
Last weekends wedding guests enjoying "asado" from the "parilla".

The Parilla is an Argentinean bbq made with a special grill that includes pieces  from Argentina and with rare petrified silcrete found in the Maplelag fireplaces. Also part of the construction is rare petrified wood from Southwest North Dakota, stones from Saskatchawan, Canada and raw native float copper pieces from the UP of Michigan and its copper country. Scroll down to the bottom of the activities page for more information.