Paddling with Jack, May 3rd, 2012 in front of the main lodge on Little Sugarbush lake.
Calm nights have been few but a few recent nights nice for paddling. The woods are starting to come near to full circle with the underbrush and leaves coming out nicely.
Classic skiing recently groomed tracks under intense late April sunshine, April 24th, 2013.
We have been enjoying incredible late season skiing this week as a large base of snow remains on the trails. This might be the last week however with warmer temps moving in!
We wish we had good news to report about Carlos, the Maplelag mascot that has been missing since late December of 2o12, but we still have not had any word on his whereabouts. Still hoping he comes flying through the woods one day.
Jack striding on Sukkerbusk at dusk, January 23rd, 2013.
It has been a run of cooler weather as of late but folks have been out on the trail, dressed proper and enjoying the good snow. We have been grooming daily on select trails keeping conditions fresh. Latest trail report on the trail report page.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center