The conference, hosted by the White Earth Land Recovery Project, will take place at Maplelag Resort in Callaway, MN from March 5th-8th, 2020.
Over 25 Native herbalists, gardeners, horticulturists, community
leaders, professors, students, and farmers from all four directions will
share their knowledge with us. Come learn how Native people are
restoring traditional foods, implementing sustainable practices, and
collaborating with neighboring Native nations.
The Wild Goose Chase cloggers began hosting the Moosejaw dance and music weekend 30+ years ago to provide an opportunity to take workshops in old-time music, clogging, square and contra dancing, and other traditional dance forms from national and local musicians, teachers, and artists.
The weekend features evening dances on Friday and Saturday night,
workshops during the day on Saturday and Sunday, and lots of jamming all
day long. Other highlights include skiing, hot tubbing, a woodburning
sauna, and four endless cookie jars.
Homemade midwestern-style food and lodging at the beautiful Maplelag
resort are included in the registration cost. The weekend is open to
dancers and musicians of any experience level.
Thursday night lodging available. No lodging available Sunday night.