Category Archives: Bike Trail

Mountain Bike Trail Report

Trails are open. Drying nicely on Friday with sunshine and strong wind. Most of the rain Thursday stayed south of us. Very rideable and good early season riding. Some of the low areas softer and holding water on select segments. We have been clearing on the trail the past few weeks and have most of the course cleared with the leaf blowers.

Best loops to ride include the starter loop, (Feeling Lucky and Lakeside) Bears Pass, Bentes Bump, North Loup and Bullhead Bootleg. Twin Lakes is rideable, bit softer.

We are in the process of putting out signs and course tape to mark the trails which will take a few weeks to complete, weather permitting.

We are working on a new trail map and should have completed by June 1st. Click here for link to old maps. The main trail head is near the resort with other trails accessible from the driveway, county road 110 and hiway 34 for the Bullhead Bootleg loop. We will also have the LagChilada challenge in place again for this season. Pink signs will be placed marking the course.

Bear Pass singletrack, May 12th, 2022.
“Bente’s Bump” singletrack, May 11th, 2022.
Low area on “Bjorp’s” singletrack holding water, May 11th, 2022. Ride around on edge to connect to dry segment again.
Clearing on “Fargo” singletrack, May 10th, 2022.
Moss along the Twin Lakes singletrack, May 10th, 2022.
Tree planting along the bike course, May 9th, 2022.
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Twin Lakes singletrack, May 7th, 2022.
Twin Lakes singletrack, May 7th, 2022.