Fat Bike Trails closed until further notice. There is still good snow coverage on the trails but lack of hard freezing nights and warm day time temps preventing riding at this time.
The 25km”FatLagChilada” loop starts out on Skaters Waltz and follows the “Fat Bike” signs all the way to Bullhead Lake for Bootleg access or continue on for the inner segments and ultimately Twin Lakes. There are options to make different loops using the driveway based on riding ability. Any questions ask or text 218-849-7669.
Signs marking the route for the inner loops are in place and ultimately direct the course for the “FatLagChilada”. Twin lakes and SukkerWest singletrack can be accessed from the driveway. To access the start to access Bootleg, head to the start of Skaters Waltz to the right. We have groomed on the far right side of Suicide Hill for uphill travel. Access to Bootleg has been groomed on the lake. Use trails at own risk and assume all responsibility. Skaters Waltz is open for fat biking when conditions are firm. SukkerWest is recommended trail for beginner riders. Trail difficulty on outer loops is intermediate to advanced.