Category Archives: Bike Trail

Trail Report

A mixed bag of weather the end of the week. Temperature reaching lower 80’s on Thursday then cooling down to the lower 50’s Thursday night. Friday morning low at 45 degrees and falling temps during the day. Currently at 5pm Friday afternoon it is 36 degrees and a mix of rain/snow!!  We started working on the trails used for the Laddies Loppet mountain bike course including mowing the ski trails and blowing off leaves on the singletrack. Riding the end of this week was pretty good. A few low/soft spots and a couple areas of water but the full loop is rideable and good shape for end of April. We hope to have the entire trail cleared by next week along with signage posted so we can open the trail for riding.  We will also resume work on the new singletrack we are building over by the western ski trails in the month of May and plan to have a few trail days, allowing anyone who wants to spend some time in the woods clearing and building trail. More information will be posted on this page.