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Fat Bike Trail Report

Fat Bike Trails Open. A nice day of riding on Saturday. Great to see so many riders out with the Flatland Cycling Club. The “InnerWest” loop is open and groomed A few soft spots but otherwise good riding. To access the InnerWest loop, take Skaters Waltz and follow the skate trail until signs indicated where to turn. To just ride Twin Lakes and SukkerWest, access from the driveway. This weekend we will also have the skate trails open on Skaters Waltz extension and North Loup.  

Bullhead Bootleg has filled up with snow from wind and recent storms (over a foot of new snow since last grooming) and might be a while until we can have this trail in riding condition. Even without bootleg there is 20km of trail available to ride.   

 Click here to be part of the Strava Maplelag Mountain Bike Community

Members of the Flatland Cycling Club rolling out for a ride, February 15th, 2025.
Twin Lakes singletrack, lakeside, February 15th, 2025.
Twin Lakes singletrack, February 15th, 2025.
Twin Lakes singletrack, February 14th, 2025.
Skaters Waltz ski trail open for fat biking, February 14th, 2025.

Fat Bike Trail Report

Fat Bike Trails Open. We have been working on the “InnerWest” loop this week and the trail has firmed up nicely and rolling well. A few soft spots but otherwise good riding. To access the InnerWest loop, take Skaters Waltz and follow the skate trail until signs indicated where to turn. To just ride Twin Lakes and SukkerWest, access from the driveway. This weekend we will also have the skate trails open on Skaters Waltz extension and North Loup.  

Bullhead Bootleg has filled up with snow from wind and recent storms (over a foot of new snow since last grooming) and might be a while until we can have this trail in riding condition. Even without bootleg there is 20km of trail available to ride.  

 Click here to be part of the Strava Maplelag Mountain Bike Community

Twin Lakes singletrack, February 14th, 2025.
Skaters Waltz ski trail open for fat biking, February 14th, 2025.
Rolling on Skaters Waltz extension, February 11th, 2025. Skate trails will be open on Saturday for fat biking.

Ski Trail Report

Trails are open. Beautiful day on tap to ski! Not quite as cold as forecasted, light winds and sunshine to start with a dusting of fluff snow…doesn’t get much better! Friday we groomed all the skate trails and set new track on Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes and Mother North Star. In the evening Rootin Tootin, Bullhead/Bootleg, Roy’s Run and Sap Run groomed with new track set and another pass on Skaters Waltz.

We are excited to announce the return of Lotvola Cup on March 2nd, 2025. Click here for details. 

Click here for latest fat bike report

Groomer’s Picks forSatuday: Sap Run, Wavy Gravy, Roy’s Run, BullheadBootleg and Jib Fly. Sukkerbusk and Sap Run always a good trail to ski for first time visitors to Maplelag.  Skate skiing has improve with daily grooming this week and the deck is firm.

Classic only skiing on trails with machine set tracks: Sukkerbusk, Sap Run, JibFly, Mother Hen, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star and Loon Return. Roys Run, Twin Lakes, Wavy Gravy and Island Lake. Lucky’s Loype and double green not groomed, skier made track. Watch for branches etc. on AMA land.    

Skating on Skater Waltz, the extension of Skater Waltz, Single Green climb, Kristin’s Kutoff, Eira Bikwadinaa hill and North Loup.  Please do not skate on trails outside of the designated skate trails. Thank you!

We have been grooming and skiing since November 20th and have only missed four days of grooming since that first snowfall we skied on after grooming. 

Trace new snowfall past 24 hours. 11″ snow past 7 days. 39″ of snowfall this season, compacted base on trail 4-7″. Snow depth in woods 8-28″   

Share your ski experience on

Season and day passes can be purchased here. A purchase of a season pass helps us maintain the trails year round and provide the best skiing possible even in low snow year. Thank you!  

Fat Bike trails open. Click here for latest fat bike report

Ski with Eira! February 25th, 2025.
Fresh snow falling in front of of the new trail head sign, February 14th, 2025.
Magical evening groom on Roy’s Run as the moon peeks through, February 14th, 2025.
Great skiing on Sap Run, February 11th, 2025.
Moonlit ski, February 11th, 2025. Air temperature checking in at -25 but no wind feels much nicer and something about skiing at night makes it feel warmer! 
Participant pin from the early years of Lotvola Cup. We are excited to bring it back for this year
Barred owl along SkaterWaltz extension, February 10th, 2025.

Fat Bike Trail Report

Fat Bike Trails Open. We have been working on the “InnerWest” loop this week and the trail has firmed up nicely and rolling well. A few soft spots but otherwise good riding. To access the InnerWest loop, take Skaters Waltz and follow the skate trail until signs indicated where to turn. Twin Lakes and SukkerWest can be access from the driveway. This weekend we will also have the skate trails open on Skaters Waltz extension and North Loup. 

Bullhead Bootleg has filled up with snow from wind and recent storms (over a foot of new snow since last grooming) and might be a while until we can have this trail in riding condition. Even without bootleg there is 20km of trail available to ride.  

The FatLagChilada includes the east side of Bullhead Bootleg loop and the west side of Twin Lakes. Ski trail segments and inner singletrack in between along with crossing of Bullhead lake consists of the “FatLagChilada”.   

 Click here to be part of the Strava Maplelag Mountain Bike Community

Twin Lakes singletrack, February 14th, 2025.
Skaters Waltz ski trail open for fat biking, February 14th, 2025.

Rolling on Skaters Waltz extension, February 11th, 2025. Skate trails will be open on Saturday for fat biking.

Ski Trail Report

Trails are open. Very good to excellent mid winter conditions. Warmer temps today made for very nice skiing. Late afternoon fluff snow started to fall making it even better! Just under an inch or so. Today we groomed all the skate trails and set new track on Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes and Mother North Star. This evening we plan to groom Rootin Tootin, Bullhead/Bootleg and Roy’s Run.

We are excited to announce the return of Lotvola Cup on March 2nd, 2025. Click here for details. 

Click here for latest fat bike report

Groomer’s Picks for Friday: Sap Run, Wavy Gravy, BullheadBootleg and Jib Fly. Sukkerbusk and Sap Run always a good trail to ski for first time visitors to Maplelag.  Skate skiing has improve with daily grooming this week and the deck is firm.

Classic only skiing on trails with machine set tracks: Sukkerbusk, Sap Run, JibFly, Mother Hen, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star and Loon Return. Roys Run, Twin Lakes, Wavy Gravy and Island Lake. Lucky’s Loype and double green not groomed, skier made track. Watch for branches etc. on AMA land.    

Skating on Skater Waltz, the extension of Skater Waltz, Single Green climb, Kristin’s Kutoff, Eira Bikwadinaa hill and North Loup.  Please do not skate on trails outside of the designated skate trails. Thank you!

We have been grooming and skiing since November 20th and have only missed four days of grooming since that first snowfall we skied on after grooming. 

Trace new snowfall past 24 hours. 11″ snow past 7 days. 39″ of snowfall this season, compacted base on trail 4-7″. Snow depth in woods 8-28″   

Share your ski experience on

Season and day passes can be purchased here. A purchase of a season pass helps us maintain the trails year round and provide the best skiing possible even in low snow year. Thank you! 

Fat Bike trails open. Click here for latest fat bike report

Ski with Eira! February 25th, 2025.
Fresh snow falling in front of of the new trail head sign, February 14th, 2025.
Great skiing on Sap Run, February 11th, 2025.
Fun to have a track on Eira Bikwadinaa hill, February 11th, 2025.
Moonlit ski, February 11th, 2025. Air temperature checking in at -25 but no wind feels much nicer and something about skiing at night makes it feel warmer! 
Participant pin from the early years of Lotvola Cup. We are excited to bring it back for this year
Barred owl along SkaterWaltz extension, February 10th, 2025.