Porcupine high up on a basswood tree having lunch. February 1st, 2014.
There are a half dozen porcupines throughout the Maplelag trail system. Typically they are easy to locate with the mess they make below!
Sun dogs over Maplelag as seen from the Twin Lakes crossing near the eagles nest, January 25th, 2014.
Beautiful sun dog action on Saturday morning in between recent snowfalls. Another 3″ Saturday night. Latest trail report on the trail report page.
Surly family out for a afternoon ski on JibFly as the groomer passes by on Rootin Tootin setting new track. January 23rd, 2014.
Another 2″ of fresh snow early Friday morning. Grooming and trail report on the trail report page.
O’Keefe kids ready to hit the trails for a New Years day afternoon ski. January 1st, 2014.
Latest trail report on the trail report page.
Ji and Jenny Chen enjoying a Christmas day ski on Twin Lakes trail. December 25th, 2013.
Fantastic skiing on Christmas. Latest trail report on the trail report page.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center