It’s been a busy month working on projects as we prepare for the next chapter at Maplelag after the fire on October 10th that destroyed the main lodge. The main focus has been renovating the Brant cabin which will be the new hub for day use and will include a store. We’ve tried to maintain the feel of the old lodge using signs we had kept in the maintenance shop. Our plan is to have the store ready for a “soft” opening by Laddies Loppet mountain bike race, which is to be held on Sunday of Labor Day weekend. We will post hours we plan to be open on the website and social media later this fall.
Once we begin and make progress on the next projects, adding kitchen units to the Candy Store, Six Swedes and enhancements to the Red and Orange cabooses, we will begin taking reservations. We appreciate everyone that has inquired about winter reservations. The loss of the main lodge has taken time to recover from, on many different aspects. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we navigate the next steps and restore energy, passion and commitment to serve our guests in this next chapter.
Entry to the Brant cabin which will be the new hub for day use and include the Maplelag store.August 18th, 2023.Exterior of the Brant cabin after a fresh and new color of paint! Sitting/lounge area in the Brant cabin for day users. Original painted trail signs on display in the Brant entry. Store area in the Brant cabin soon to be stocked with items including clothing and local artists. Eira, the “snow baby” wearing a Skida Hat. We are excited to carry Skida this coming winter in the store with a custom Maplelag hat! We discovered Skida recently and was able to visit the headquarters in Vermont which was a area of inspiration when we visited Nordic centers out East last winter and spring. Pure maple syrup harvested on the shores of Little Sugarbush lake will be available for sale. Pat and Amber staining and painting the Brant cabin. Other buildings on tap for a fresh look that will be a component in the next chapter will be the sauna, Sava Sauna cabin, Six Swedes cabin and Candy Store cabin.Remember the numbering system on the trail signs?The creative work of local artist Wendy Roy will be on display and for sale in the Brant cabin. Summer grooming on the ski trails. Once we begin and make progress on the next projects, adding kitchen units to the Candy Store, Six Swedes and enhancements to the Red and Orange caboose, we will begin taking reservations.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center