Spring conditions. Faster skiing in the morning before softening up in the afternoon, glazing over at dusk again. Good skiing all day, depending on desired conditions. Excellent snow coverage on the trails. There has been no melting this week as temps have been below melting. Cooling down to 1 degree Wednesday morning. Cold temps good for freezing down the base hard. We have a deep base of snow on the trails and woods ranging from 8-18″. New snowfall since February 1st is 3″. Snowfall since January 1st around 23″. Total snowfall on the season now at 57″.
Reports from skiers this past week have good to excellent.
Grooming on select trails, mostly the more used trails at this time. We will groom Thursday afternoon on many trails to set up overnight for skiing on the weekend. To ensure the best skiing possible Friday-Sunday, please do not ski on the fresh groomed Thursday. The base and trails overall are holding out great. The base on trail is deep, over 12″ in some spots and plenty of snow for good skiing. Snow depth in woods 1-2 feet. The snow will not melt off by the weekend.
All the inner trails and Twin Lakes double tracked. Roy’s Run, Island Lake, Wavy Gravy, Bootleg extension and segments of Lucky’s Loype single tracked. Skaters Waltz, the extension of Skaters, North Loup and Suicide Hill groomed for skating. (15km) There is also a track on the side of the skate lane on North Loup.
We have been grooming the Twin Lakes singletrack for Fat Biking. Thanks Ben Olson for taking on this role and volunteering his time! Latest trail report.