Should be a nice week of riding on tap with cooler and dry conditions. The course has been nice for riding despite all the rain the past few weeks but there are still a few wet spots here and there. There are two trees down on the course but not at the bottom of any downhill. We will remove the trees and any deadfall on Monday.
More mosquitoes coming out but if you keep moving, not much of a problem. There are no deer flies yet and typically we do not see deer flies until middle of July but depends on the weather. Cool weather has kept bug action at a minimum and with cooler weather forecasted this week, the deer flies will remain dormant. The underbrush is thicker but the sight lines still good. We have been working on the new singletrack and making progress.
The course is open daily for riding and most of the intersections are marked with the key intersections marked. A few wet spots because of high water. There is no charge to use the trails. The trail starts behind the Great Northern building and follow the maintained trail and white signs with black arrows. Click here for a map/gps profile of the Sport/Comp/Expert loop.
The new mountain bike singletrack trail is open for riding. Head to Twin Lakes and look for the mountain bike trail sign. Ride the trail to the end and ride back!! We encourage riders to check out the trail and help us pack it down.