The trails are now closed. With colder than anticipated weather, it looks like we will be able to open the Twin Lakes loop for fat biking next week.
We will once again groom the Twin Lakes loop for fat biking once there is enough snow and cold temps to follow. We also have plans to have a groomed beginner loop closer to Maplelag. Thanks everyone to everyone who helped make it another awesome year of riding! Good seeing everyone out for the final day of the dirt season.
The mountain bike trails are open outside of rain/wet conditions. The “nature” of the mountain bike trails at Maplelag allow for quick drying and rideable conditions 6-12 hours after any precip. The trails can be described as classic, old school singletrack. Some sections are very technical with roots and rocks and a great test of skills! The Twin Lakes loop is recommended first for first time visitors to Maplelag with mountain bike experience and for first time or beginner riders, the Citizen loop is recommended.
Season pass is $10. Park in far parking lot, click in and enjoy! Maplelag maintains, builds, manages and funds the trails privately with no outside assistance (grants etc.) but we are happy to share the trail. We appreciate season pass purchases to keep the trails maintained and build new for others to enjoy.
Click here for trail map. Trail starts just past the flag pole, head towards skaters waltz ski trail for access to both the beginner loop (Citizen/TT) and advanced loop (sport/comp/expert). Singletrack sections can be bypassed on the east side. Bike signs are red and there are also big white signs at key intersections. To access Twin Lakes loop, take either the east side or main loop and follow red signs or head down the driveway and look for orange cones just past the gate and red signs indicating the start of Twin Lakes singletrack. Any questions on riding or conditions, email Jay at [email protected] or text 218-849-7669. We typically will have the trails open sooner than expected after wet weather, feel free to contact us for more information.
Good seeing all the riders out enjoying the closing day of the dirt season. October 28th, 2018.
Thumbs up on another great season of mountain biking! Thanks everyone for the support! October 28th, 2018.
Late fall riding at dusk, October 23rd, 2018.Colorful local forest road, October 19th, 2018.Area tamarack trees in peak color right now, October 19th, 2018.Twin Lakes singletrack, October 19th, 2018.Fresh cleared singletrack on Twin Lakes. October 18th, 2018. Entire loop cleared past two days.Twin Lakes singletrack cleared of leaves. October 17th, 2018.Island Lake trail, October 17th, 2018. Part of Twin Lakes loop.Evening ride, Twin Lakes lakeside, October 16th, 2018.Despite recent wet weather, riding has been good on the mountain bike course. October 14th, 2018.Surreal riding conditions, October 12th, 2018.
Surreal riding conditions, October 12th, 2018.
Surreal riding conditions, October 12th, 2018.Start of Twin Lakes singletrack after leaf/snow clearing. October 11th, 2018.Singletrack scene, October 7th, 2018.End of Twin Lakes singletrack, October 7th, 2018.
Singletrack after fresh clearing, October 6th, 2018.Twin Lakes singletrack lakeside, October 5th, 2018. Trail bit damp from recent moisture but open for riding!Singletrack after clearing, October 2nd, 2018. Leaves falling down continuously covering the surface but still great fall riding.Chilly and damp day didn’t stop a great day of riding. September 29th, 2018.
Blowing out singletrack, September 30th, 2018. We will blow out most of the course again before this weekend.Rolling through Twin Lakes singletrack, September 28th, 2019.Beautiful fall color scene at end of Twin Lakes singletrack. September 28th, 2018.Peder Arneson on Hudson’s Hula segment, September 28th, 2018.Lakeside Twin Lakes singletrack. September 28th, 2018.Fall riding September 22nd, 2018.Fall riding September 22nd, 2018.Jake and Ben Olson original lakeside singletrack,September 22nd, 2018.Testing new trail near Bullhead Lake on Maplelag property, September 20th, 2018.Testing new trail near Bullhead Lake on Maplelag property, September 20th, 2018.Denny Barry helping out with trail work on new trail. September 19th, 2018. We hope to open the new trail yet this fall.Testing new trail near Bullhead lake. September 19th, 2018.Start of Roy’s Run and North Loup ski trails. September 19th, 2018.
Beautiful fall riding, September 18th, 2018.Ski trail segment, September 16th, 2018.Colorful singletrack, September 16th, 2018.Scattered leaves on the bike trail, September 14th, 2018.New singletrack segment, “North Star Extension” cleared out yesterday. New section has set up nicely over the summer and riding superb. September 14th, 2018.Fantastic early fall riding continues. Twin Lakes lakeside, September 11th, 2018.Fall grooming on Lucky’s Loype part of the bike trail, September 11th, 2018.Fall scene on the bike course, September 9th, 2018.Singletrack segment on bike course, September 9th, 2018.Great forest riding on local trails this time of year, Sugar Creek rd. September 6th, 2018.Sugarbush trail north of Maplelag, September 6th, 2018.
Forest road riding north and east of Maplelag. September 8th, 2018.Early fall color as seen on Sukkerbusk ski trail which is part of the bike course. September 5th, 2018.Steve Wenzel rounding a turn in the singletrack, Laddies Loppet September 1st, 2018. Steve the only rider to compete in every Laddies Loppet since 1990!Great night for the Wednesday night time trial, August 29th, 2018.Great fall like riding, August 28th, 2018.Trail check later afternoon on Friday found tacky and firm conditions. The areas we tuned (as above) the past few weeks benefited greatly from the rain. August 24th, 2018.
Twin Lakes singletrack tuned and riding well. August 22nd, 2018.
Trail tuning at the start of Twin Lakes, August 20th, 2018.Great riding on Sunday with cooler temps and light rain shower. Surface remains hardpacked and dry. August 19th, 2018.Corey out for a long distance training ride. August 18th, 2018.Section of Twin Lakes singletrack after trail tuning/buffing. White ribbon of hardened clay indicator of hard and fast conditions! August 16th, 2018.Trail tuning. August 10th, 2018.Great riding over the weekend, August 5th, 2018.
Great riding over the weekend, August 5th, 2018.
Singletrack tuning, August 7th, 2018.NW Wolves high school cycling team practicing Thursday evening. August 2nd, 2018. (Ben Olson photos)
NW Wolves high school cycling team practicing Thursday evening. August 2nd, 2018.Great conditions for evening ride, hours before downpour came through. July 31st, 2018.Beautiful morning ride, July 28th, 2019.
Lush forest floor on the ski trail, July 28th, 2019.
Beautiful morning ride, July 28th, 2018.Tuning berm on the singletrack, July 27th, 2018.
Blowing out a section of singletrack, July 27th, 2018.Another beautiful evening ride. July 24th, 2018.
Another beautiful evening ride. July 24th, 2018.Keith rolling Twin Lakes lakeside, July 21st, 2018.
Morning ride, July 21st, 2018.Main loop Lakeside drops, July 17th, 2018.Ski trail riding Kohlepp’s pond. July 17th, 2018.Riders from Oregon visiting the area, out for ride. Great to see new faces on the trail. July 5th, 2018.Beautiful evening and great conditions July 5th, 2018. Pat back on trail.Twin Lakes rock garden. July 5th, 2018.Jake rolling through rock garden on Twin Lakes singletrack, July 3rd, 2018.Having fun on Hudson’s Hula segment, July 3rd, 2018
Pat Climbing Suicide Hill, July 1st, 2018.
Pat lakeside, July 1st, 2018.Forest singletrack, July 1st, 2018.
Clearing deadfall off the trail, June 30th, 2018.Rolling through Twin Lakes rock garden, June 30th, 2018.Kieth rolling through Twin Lakes rock garden, June 30th, 2018.Beautiful evening ride. June 26th, 2018.
Twin Lakes, June 26th, 2018.Into the woods! June 26th, 2018.Trail check late afternoon found hard and tacky conditions on majority of the trail. June 18th, 2018.Singletrack segment east side, June 18th, 2018.Rolling along lakeside, main loop. June 12th, 2018.Keith Twin Lakes lakeside, June 12th, 2018.Brushing/blowing out the bridge section, June 12th, 2018.Ready to blow out the trail after brushing the sides. The main lakeside segments on both the main and western loops completed this week. June 7th, 2018.Clearing deadfall from wind on Tuesday night, June 7th, 2018.
Keith out for midweek ride, May 30th, 2018.Memorial day riding, May 28th, 2018.Forest road riding north of Maplelag, May 28th, 2018.Memorial day riding, May 28th, 2018. Deep woods feel in the forest!Maplelag team members Matt and Steve out on the trail for a training ride Saturday morning. May 26th, 2018.Denny Barry on course Saturday morning. May 26th, 2018.
Maplelag team members on course Saturday morning. May 26th, 2018.Peder evening ride lakeside, May 23rd, 2018.Steve rolling out of new singletrack segment, May 23rd, 2018.Wayne lakeside Twin Lakes, May 23d, 2018.
Wednesday night group ride. Keep the wheels moving…the mosquitoes are out! May 23rd, 2018.Keith rolling through Twin Lakes lakeside on a beautiful evening. May 22nd, 2018.
Start of singletrack lakeside, May 20th, 2018. The woods have filled out with deep lush green.Peder Arneson rolling along lakeside on main loop. May 18th, 2018.
Peder rolling along Twin Lakes singletrack lakeside, May 18th, 2018.Jake at start of new trail “North Star Extension”. May 18th, 2018.Final berm, May 18th, 2018.North Star segment, May 18th, 2018.
Bente’s Bump segment, May 18th, 2018.Ski trail segment on bike course. May 17th, 2018.Berm work on new trail. We completed enough tuning to have this new segment open. We will continue to fine tune but the more riders to ride in the better! May 14th, 2018.Another great weekend of early season riding, May 13th, 2018.Ideal riding Wednesday late afternoon, May 9th, 2018.Fresh clearing on Hudson’s Hula segment, west side on Twin Lakes singletrack. May 8th, 2018.Fresh clearing on Hudson’s Hula segment, west side on Twin Lakes singletrack. May 8th, 2018.Fresh clearing on Hudson’s Hula segment, west side on Twin Lakes singletrack. May 8th, 2018.Fresh clearing on Hudson’s Hula segment, west side on Twin Lakes singletrack. May 8th, 2018.David J on trail, May 7th, 2018.
Ben O on trail, May 7th, 2018.Ben on Lakeside drop, May 7th, 2018.Weekend riding, May 6th, 2018.Fresh cleared singletrack on the east side, May 6th, 2018.Group of riders heading out to the trail, May 6th, 2018.Twin Lakes lakeside, May 3rd, 2018.New course tape! May 3rd, 2018.Ski trail segment, May 3rd, 2018. Ski trail portions of course in great shape.
Checking out Twin Lakes singletrack, lakeside. April 25th, 2018. Most singletrack segments are dry and ready for riding but the ski trails need a few more days to dry out.Clearing leaves from singletrack, April 23rd, 2018.Cleared!Moss growing on the side, April 23rd, 2018.Singletrack drying out nicely, April 23rd, 2018. Weather permitting, we hope to open the trails by May 3rd weekend.One last winter ride on the Twin Lakes singletrack, April 21st, 2018.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center