Trails are now closed for the “dirt” season. Even though the Maplelag trails are on private property, we close the trails out of respect of the area landowners for deer hunting and safety for the riders.
Weather permitting we will plan to open the trails again for fat biking Thanksgiving weekend. We plan on grooming at least 20km of trail including the Twin Lakes and Bootleg singletrack loops again. Connectors in between to make one unique and dynamic loop! We will also groom the new SukkerWest singletrack for beginner fat biking.
Good job to all the riders completing the LagChilada challenge this season! The challenge was to simply ride most of trail system on a loop created on Strava in one ride/day. We provided special custom t-shirts for anyone that completed the challenge. Overall it was another great year of mountain biking at Maplelag, year number 30! Lot’s of new trail build and even though we were not able to host the Laddies Loppet this year, it was great having new and familiar riders on the track.
The lodge is closed and no services are available. Park in the far parking lot where blue recycling dumpsters are located and ride. Porta bathroom available. Trails are closed to horses and motorized equipment.
Trailhead starts near the flagpole in the middle of the cabins for the inner loop. Twin Lakes singletrack loop can be accessed from the driveway. Bootleg singletrack loop is accessed to the east from Hiway 34. Look for orange Maplelag tape at entrance and ride the loop clockwise for Bootleg. For all other trails, look for red signs and white signs for Kids Comp/Citizen (beginner) and Sport/Comp/Expert (intermediate/advanced) options. The Maplelag trails are old school/classic cross country with many slow tech features with roots and rocks. There are beginner segments but most of the riding is intermediate/expert rating. Latest trail map, new map to be released this fall.
Three new loops of trail completed this spring and summer on the Maplelag property now open. “Bjorp’s Stump” (1.75 miles) is accessed off the sport comp expert loop and “SukkerWest” (.4miles) is accessed from the end of the driveway. Look for signage. Phase one of “North Loup Gnar”, a loop across the Goat Ranch rd on Maplelag property features many “slow tech” features. We will work on phase two this fall. The phase one loop is just under 2 miles.
There is no trail fee at this time but ask folks to donate to offset trail maintenance costs and property taxes by purchasing a $15 summer pass on our website. The Maplelag trails are self funded on private property and do not receive any grants or outside funding. We love to mountain bike and are happy and glad to share the trail with others!
Bootleg singletrack, November 1st, 2020.Bear Pass singletrack, November 1st, 2020.Rolling up a frozen Suicide Hill, November 1st, 2020.Start of Bear Pass singletrack segment, October 31st, 2020.Frozen fun on the singletrack, October 30th, 2020.Late fall early winter scene on near Bullhead Lake on Bootleg singletrack, October 24th, 2020. (Ben Olson photo).Checking out Twin Lakes singletrack, late afternoon October 24th, 2020. Still snow coverage in the woods but the singletrack is relatively free of snow making riding possible. Frozen singletrack fun! October 18th, 2020.Twin Lakes singletrack, October 18th, 2020.Morning ride on “SukkerWest” singletrack, October 15th, 2020.Most of the ski trails cleared of leaves, October 15th, 2020. Touch up clearing until the snow flies!Fresh cleared singletrack on Twin Lakes loop, October 15th, 2020.Rare calm afternoon this week on Bootleg singletrack, October 13th, 2020.Clearing leaves on North Star singletrack, October 13th, 2020.Great fall riding, October 8th, 2020.Fall scene at start of east side of new trail “North Loup Gnar”, October 8th, 2020.Fall scene along side of trail at Twin Lakes crossing, October 8th, 2020.Leaf clearing on Twin Lakes singletrack, October 7th, 2020.Clearing leaves on “Hudson’s Hula” singletrack on Twin Lakes loop, October 6th, 2020.Beautiful fall riding, October 5th, 2020.Top of Suicide Hill, October 5th, 2020.Bootleg trail, October 4th, 2020. Check out difference in leaves from photo below!Bullhead Bootleg singletrack, October 1st, 2020. Bootleg loop on tap for leaf clearing later today.Jacob and Ryan ready to hit the trails and take on the LagChilada challenged, September 27th, 2020.Zach heading out on course for the LagChilada, September 27th, 2020.Finishing up on “North Loup Gnar”, September 27th, 2020. Two Way trail.Rock garden on North Loup Gnar trail, September 27th, 2020.September 27th, 2020.Fresh cleared singletrack on Moorhead loop, September 24th, 2020.Rock garden on Moorhead singletrack, September 24th, 2020.Testing berm tuning on “Hudson’s Hula”, September 24th, 2020.Ski trail segment on mountain bike course, September 23rd, 2020.Start of “North Loup Gnar”, September 23rd, 2020.Golden golden hour! Sunset ride, September 22nd, 2020.Mat and Alicia Fisk completing the LagChilada today, September 22nd, 2020.Bootleg singletrack, September 22nd, 2020.Incredible golden hour riding, September 22nd, 2020.Marcus Olson, Twin Lakes singletrack en route to completing the LagChilada challenge. Nice job Marc! September 21st, 2020.Olson family enjoying the fall day and another LagChilada, September 21st, 2020.Basswood leaves coming down over the weekend, still great fall riding! September 20th, 2020.September 20th, 2020.Fall color on new trail “North Loup Gnar”, September 19th, 2020.North Loup Gnar, September 19th, 2020.Singletrack after clearing, September 18th, 2020.Fantastic fall riding in place, September 17th, 2020.Classic singletrack, September 20th, 2020.Great fall riding in place! September 17th, 2020.Wood feature on Bjorp’s Singletrack, September 15th, 2020Hazy scene along the ski trail, September 14th, 2020.Maplelag driveway, September 14th, 2020. Access to SukkerWest singletrack and North Loup Gnar singletrack. Bullhead Bootleg, September 13th, 2020.Fall color scene along side of North Loup Gnar singletrack, September 12th, 2020.Clearing on Hudson’s Hula singletrack, September 10th, 2020.Singletrack on the doubletrack! September 10th, 2020. Evening fall scene along the side of North Loup Gnar singletrack, September 9th, 2020. Rock garden on North Loup Gnar, September 9th, 2020. Option to ride on the side. Clearing out “the Gnar”, September 9th, 2020.Heidi Olson on Twin Lakes singletrack en route to completing the LagChilada, September 6th, 2020.Ben Olson on Twin Lakes rock garden en route to completing another LagChilada, September 6th, 2020.Brittany Diederich on a bridge segment en route to completing the LagChilada, September 5th, 2020.Busy week clearing trail after breezy conditions, September 4th, 2020.Corner on new trail “North Loup Gnar”. September 2nd, 2020.Clearing out “Fargo” singletrack segment, August 27th, 2020. Evening ride on on Bootleg trail, August 25th, 2020.Rolling along Twin Lakes singletrack, August 22nd, 2020.Jacob Olson rolling through the rock garden on Moorhead singletrack en route to completing the LagChilada challenge, August 23rd, 2020.Barry Buhr riding the wood berm high on Bjorp’s Stump singletrack during the LagChilada challenge, August 23rd, 2020.Nice job Derek Chinn completing the LagChilada this weekend!LagChilada complete! Nice job 13 year old Max! Youngest rider to complete the challenge. Treston and Ryan heading out for a crack at the “LagChilada”, August 20th, 2020.Trail tuning on the starter loop, August 20th, 2020.Trail feature on Bjorp’s Stump, August 20th, 2020.Another berm completed on new trail “North Loup Gnar”. We plan to have this new loop officially opened for the weekend. August 19th, 2020.Rock garden on “North Loup Gnar”, August 19th, 2020. (Riding lines around the rocks as well). Rocks harvested from Roy’s Field Tuning on Twin Lakes singletrack, August 17th, 2020.Tuning on Twin Lakes singletrack, August 17th, 2020.Sunday Funday! August 16th, 2020.Testing another completed section on new trail “North Loup Gnar”. We hope to have the full loop completed and officially open , weather permitting, by the end of the month/early September. This will be a trail with many “slow tech” features. August 15th, 2020.Switchback on new trail “North Loup Gnar”, August 16th, 2020.Feature on new trail “Bjorp’s Stump”, August 16th, 2020.Sunny Saturday, August 15th, 2020.Dylan rolling through rock garden on “Moorhead” singletrack en route to riding the “LagChilada” challenge, August 12th, 2020.John M riding on Bootleg singletrack en route to completing the “LagChilada” Nice work John! August 11th, 2020.
Denny B riding on Bootleg singletrack en route to completing the “LagChilada” Nice work Denny! August 11th, 2020.Mat and Alicia Fisk completing the “LagChilada” challenge today, August 10th, 2020.Rolling through Bullhead Bootleg singletrack, August 10th, 2020.Rock garden on Bente’s Bump singletrack segment, August 10th, 2020.Ayden taking a short break en route to riding the whole “LagChilada”, August 2nd, 2020. (Rick Ochs photo). Ayden is the first female and youngest rider! Nice job Ayden!Lakeside Twin Lakes, July 27th, 2020.Shane K testing out trail feature on new trail, North Loup Gnar, July 27th, 2020.Ski trail segment, July 27th, 2020.Dropping in to the Twin Lakes rock garden, July 27th, 2020. Nice job Shane completing the whole “LagChilada”!Lush conditions around the singletrack, July 25th, 2020.Twin Lakes singletrack, July 25th, 2020.Bootleg bridge crossing, July 25th, 2020. Creek running strong with all the recent rain. Rock garden on Moorhead singletrack, July 25th, 2020.Testing new hand cut singletrack on North Loup Gnar, July 23rd, 2020.Clearing out Twin Lakes singletrack, July 22nd, 2020.Another segment of hand cut singletrack complete! July 22nd, 2020.Calm conditions near Twin Lakes, July 20th, 2020.Natural log/wood feature on new trail “North Loup Gnar”, July 20th, 2020. WPlenty of slow tech rock challenges on North Loup Gnar, July 20th, 2020.North Loup Gnar, July 20th, 2020.Trail post clearing, July 18th, 2020.Deadfall from Friday night storm, July 18th, 2020.Wood berm action on new trail “Bjorp’s Stump, July 16th, 2020.Making good progress on new trail near North Loup, July 16th, 2020. Nice work Keith! Wooden berm on new trail, Bjorp’s Stump, July 12th, 2020.Berm/dirt work on Bootleg trail, July 10th, 2020.Beautiful evening ride, July 9th, 2020.Trail tuning, July 9th, 2020. We continue to tune on the course weekly on random segments of trail. Trail tuning, July 9th, 2020Wood berm feature added to new trail “Bjorp’s Stump”, July 7th, 2020.Keith putting the finishing touches on feature added to the new trail Bjorp’s Stump, July 7th, 2020. Air time on the singletrack! July 5th, 2020.Lush conditions on the singletrack as seen at access to Twin Lakes, July 5th, 2020.Berm action on new trail, “Bjorps Stump”, July 3rd, 2020.Bridge crossing on Bootleg trail, creek running gently from recent rain. July 1st, 2020.Berm action on Bootleg, July 1st, 2020.Great riding the last day of June! Keep the wheels moving as bugs are bad when stopping! Riding on the new trail “Bjorp’s Stump”, June 26th, 2020.Rock feature on new trail “Bjorp’s Stump”, a ride around option possible. June 26th, 2020.Rock garden on Moorhead, June 26th, 2020.Great midweek riding! June 25th, 2020.Twin Lakes rock garden, June 25th, 2020.Excellent surface conditions, June 23rd, 2020.Corner on Twin Lakes singletrack before brushing, June 23rd, 2020.Fern Gully segment on Bootleg singletrack, June 20th, 2020.Twin Lakes singletrack, June 20th, 2020.Rock feature on new singletrack, Bjorp’s Stump! June 20th, 2020.Fargo Singletrack segment in great riding condition after brushing and clearing this week, June 18th, 2020.Before brushing out overgrown area on Fargo Singletrack, June 18th, 2020.After!Bear Pass singletrack brushed and cleared this week, June 18th, 2020. Stay high left on bottom part. Beautiful riding conditions Saturday morning, June 13th, 2020.Bootleg creek crossing, June 13th, 2020.Lush forest surrounding the trail, June 13th, 2020.“Fern Gully” on Bootleg singletrack loop, June 12th, 2020.Brushing out overgrown areas on Lakeside drop segment, June 9th, 2020.Signage for start of new “Bjorp’s Stump” singletrack, June 6th, 2020.Look for mushrooms along the trail!Mowing on Suicide Hill, ski trail segment of bike course. All ski trail segments mowed today, June 4th, 2020.Hudson’s Hula segment on the Twin Lakes singletrack after blowing out,, June 3rd, 2020.Ski trail segment, June 3rd, 2020. The woods are very green! Rolling on the ski trail, May 29th, 2020.Navigating Twin Lakes garden… reverse direction! May 29th, 2020.Nature scene along the singletrack on Bente’s Bump singletrack, May 29th, 2020.Be on the look for wild flowers exploding in the woods. May 29th, 2020.Deep lush woods singletrack, warm temps and rain bring the forest to life! May 27th, 2020.Rolling on the mossy ski trails, May 25th, 2020.Navigating the singletrack, May 25th, 2020.Navigating the singletrack, May 25th, 2020.Twin Lakes singletrack, May 25th, 2020.Flora exploding in recent days as seen on Twin Lakes singletrack, May 23rd, 2020.Rolling down ski trail start of course, May 23rd, 2020.Bootleg singletrack lakeside, May 23rd, 2020.Bootleg singletrack, May 22nd, 2020.Checking out new trail “Bjorg’s Stump”, May 21st, 2020.Ferns emerging from the forest floor on “Fern Gully” segment on Bootleg singletrack, May 20th, 2020.Twin Lakes singletrack, May 20th, 2020.Twin Lakes singletrack, May 20th, 2020.New singletrack “Bjorg’s Stump”, May 20th, 2020.Spring flowers along a creek crossing on Bootleg trail, May 17th, 2020.Optional line rock feature on new Bjorg’s Stump singletrack, May 17th, 2020.Spring scene along the bike trail, May 17th, 2020.Twin Lakes singletrack, May 13th, 2020. The main loop of Twin Lakes blown free of leaves in the afternoon. Twin Lakes singletrack lakeside, May 12th, 2020.Hudson’s Hula segment, Twin Lakes singletrack, May 12th, 2020.Mossy edges, May 12th, 2020.Testing out new trail “Bjorg’s Stump”, May 10th, 2020.Navigating rock garden on new “Moorhead” singletrack, May 10th, 2020.Berm action on new trail “Bjorg’s Stump”. May 10th, 2020.Snowy singletrack ride, May 9th, 2020.Testing berm on new trail build “Bjorg’s Stump”, May 5th, 2020.Rolling through Twin Lakes rock garden, May 3rd, 2020.Early evening lakeside, April 29th, 2020.Steve navigating rock garden on new “Moorehead” singletrack, April 29th, 2020. Steve helped build some of the original singletrack the first year of mountain biking at Maplelag back in 1990. Still riding strong 30 years later! Wayne rolling through, April 29th, 2020.Jacob and Tyler out on trail, April 26th, 2020.Working on new trail “Bjorg’s Stump”. April 27 2020. This new 1.25 mile loop will branch of the existing original singletrack on the main loop and will also be accessed off the gravel road “Goat Ranch Rd.”. We hope to complete the trail and open for riding by late May.Berm tuning on Bootleg loop, April 27th, 2020.Bridge on Bootleg, April 26th, 2020.Mossy ski trail on inner loop, April 25th, 2020.Berm action on Bootleg loop, April 25th, 2020.Bridge crossing on Bootleg loop, April 25th, 2020.Tuning berms on Bootleg loop, April 24th, 2020.Dirt season opener! Twin Lakes lakeside, April 23rd, 2020. Bootleg singletrack loop, April 23rd, 2020.Bootleg singletrack, April 23rd, 2020.Bridge segment, inner loop, April 23rd, 2020.Bootleg singletrack, April 23rd, 2020.Rock garden on new “Moorhead” singletrack loop. April 23rd, 2020. This new loop is marked off the existing inner loop with “Sport/Comp/Expert” sign.Twin Lakes lakeside, April 23rd, 2020. Clearing leaves off the singletrack, April 20th, 2020.
Checking out a fresh blown section of singletrack, April 20th, 2020.Lakeside singletrack, April 20th, 2020.Frozen singletrack with dusting of snow on top, April 13th, 2020.Rock solid rock garden on new “Moorhead” singletrack, April 13th, 2020.Frozen hard deck making early dirt riding possible, Bootleg singletrack April 12th, 2020. Bridge crossing Bootleg singletrack, April 12th, 2020. Frozen hard deck making early dirt riding possible, Bootleg singletrack April 12th, 2020. Frozen singletrack ride, April 10th, 2020.Last winter ride of the year? Dusting of snow on top of frozen deck making for one more ride, April 9th, 2020.Testing out a wooden berm that will be added to new trail built last fall, April 2nd, 2020.Thanks Keith for building! April 1st, 2020.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center