Trails are open. Continued dry weather has the trails in very good riding condition on a dry/tacky surface. Beautiful weather in place should make for great riding to kick off Memorial Day weekend.
One of the best times of the year to ride with great sight lines, no bugs and pleasant temps.We have been clearing on the trail the past few weeks and have cleared the entire course with the leaf blowers removing sticks, deadfall and leaves.We will continue with trail maintenance as deemed necessary.
The key intersections been marked and signed.
We are working on a new trail map and should have completed by June 1st. Click here for link to old maps. The main trail head is near the resort with other trails accessible from the driveway for the Twin Lakes and Sukkerwest loops, county road 110 and hiway 34 for the Bullhead Bootleg loop. We will also have the LagChilada challenge in place again for this season. Pink signs will be placed marking the course. Twin Lakes has a “sport” option to bypass the first part that has more roots.