Trails open. Tacky conditions. Rain missed us this weekend, just a few light rain showers to keep the deck tacky. Trails riding best of the month. We have cleared all the trees cleared as of Wednesday afternoon from recent storm and wind events. Few more trees coming down since we will clear today and Tuesday. We have also blown out the majority of the 25 mile trail system “LagChilada”. Bugs have come out…keep the wheels moving!
We are tuning on the trails as needed during the summer. As always, be aware for any falling forest matter such as sticks, branches etc. We have been brushing out the more overgrown areas.
The key intersections been marked and signed.
New maps are available at the parking lot kiosk. Click here for new map online. The main trail head is near the resort with other trails accessible from the driveway for the Twin Lakes and Sukkerwest loops, county road 110 and hiway 34 for the Bullhead Bootleg loop. We will also have the LagChilada challenge in place again for this season. Pink signs will be placed marking the course. Twin Lakes has a “sport” option to bypass the first part that has more roots.
Summer pass can be purchased here. The passes helps offset maintenance costs. The Maplelag trails are privately owned and operated and we receive no grants or assistance for operating.
Click here for information on the Laddies Loppet mountain bike race weekend.
By riding at Maplelag, assume all risk and responsibility for any changing conditions that may alter the riding surface.