Trails are open. Good to see folks out this weekend enjoying the incredible late season conditions. The entire course has been cleared with leaf blowers the past 7 days. A few pockets some leaves, more on the first half of Twin Lakes singletrack but overall really nice riding for the end of October.
The mountain bike trails will be open today, closing tomorrow November 1st.
Please park in far parking lot by the recycling containers.
Heidi O. en route to completing the LagChilada challenge (riding the 25 mile mountain bike course in one ride), the first female to do so! Nice work Heidi! October 30th, 2022.Approaching the “Moorhead” rock garden, October 30th, 2022.Incredible conditions for late October on the mountain bike course, October 29th, 2022.Lakeside Singletrack, October 29th, 2022.Twin Laks singletrack, October 29th, 2022.“Fargo” singletrack, October 29th, 2022.Drop on “Bear Pass” singletrack, October 29th, 2022.Berm action on “Hudson’s Hula” singletrack segment, October 28th, 2022.Sunset on the singletrack, October 28th, 2022.Ski trail segment of bike course, October 28th, 2022.Leaf clearing on North Loop Gnar singletrack, October 28th, 2022.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center