Fat Bike Trails are open from sunrise to 11am today. Good hard freeze overnight with temps in the low teens. With most of the snow melting off, all the trail segments are open to riding. We will keep the trail open on the weekend with forecasted freezing temperatures at night but best to plan riding early in the morning and preferable to be off trail by 11am before it softens up.
If you have studded tires, those are recommended for the icy areas. If not, run a little lower pressure and plan to ride on edges in spots. The trail is a combination of frozen dirt/crust/ice surface but rideable. The ice on Bullhead lake crossing remains 10-12″ and solid on the edges making access to Bullhead Bootleg loop possible but after this weekend, not recommended. Access to Bullhead Bootleg also possible via the Goat Ranch rd and hi way.
The Inner East loops starts on Skaters Waltz to the right and follows along the side dipping into singletrack before going across Bullhead lake to access the Bootleg singletrack loop. Back across the lake to skaters waltz and more singletrack before crossing the road and left in to Maplelag. Signs are out marking the Fat Bike trail and the “FatLagChilada” loop which is all the groomed fat bike trails. The west or Twin Lakes loop can be accessed from the Maplelag driveway including the Sukkerwest loop which is at the end of the Maplelag driveway.