Fat Bike Trails are open. Monday we groomed the inner singletrack segments and the Hudson Hula loop. Today we plan to complete the grooming of the entire 25km FatLagChilada course. The trail is grooming out very nice and setting up well. Might be a few soft spots otherwise really nice riding!
The FatLagChilada includes the east side of Bullhead Bootleg loop and the west side of Twin Lakes. Ski trail segments and inner singletrack in between along with crossing of Bullhead lake consists of the “FatLagChilada”.
Start at Skaters Waltz ski trail and go right to access the start. Stay on Skaters Waltz and only going off to singletrack where signed.
To access Twin Lakes singletrack only, take driveway down and start at bridge section. SukkerWest also accessed off the driveway for a good starter/beginner loop.