Another great weekend of skiing on the trails. Unseasonably cool weather kept the snow dry and crisp but deep blue skies and plenty of sunshine taking off the edge of any chilliness. The entire trail system except for Kristin’s Kutoff was groomed over the weekend including Roy’s Run, Loon Return and Island Lake trail on Sunday. The trails are in great shape and skiing is excellent. (If you have any trail photos from the weekend you wish to share, please pass them along to [email protected]) Touch up grooming this week as needed and any new snow this week will be groomed in. We will work on the transition zone from the lake to the trail for the Lotvola Cup which will be held Saturday March 7th. The compacted base 5-10″ and snow depth in the woods 10-24″. The deer have discovered walking on the ski trails is easier than walking on the crusty snow pack with fresh snow on tap so heads up for deer tracks on certain trails, in particular Wavy Gravy. All part of the experience of being in the woods and part of nature!!

Photos below from Thursday.