Gorgeous day! Sun shining incredibly bright and crisp temps keeping the snow fresh. We continue to groom daily working on select trails. For the remainder of the ski season until March 10th, Sap Run, Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes and JibFly will be tracked for classic. North Loup and Skaters Waltz will be groomed skate only. All other trails are open for bushwhacking, expect variable conditions with areas of deep drifts but overall great powder skiing on trails not recently groomed.
We will also open up the skate trails and Mother North Star to fat biking. Mother North Star leads into the fat bike singletrack nicely making for a good warm up loop. We will groom MNS for fat biking, but open for skiing as well with no tracks set. (packed and combed). Please no fat biking on skate ski trails when conditions are soft or temp above 32 degrees.
32″ new snow past 21 days, 42″ the month of February.
Twin Lakes singletrack groomed for Fat Biking (3.8″ or wider tires please) Latest report click here.
Total snowfall since November 1st around 67″ Total snowfall since October 1st around 74″. October snow melted off but currently the snow depth is 30-46″ and packed base on ski trails is 14-24″. We have been skiing daily since November 12th. Please no walking or hiking on ski or bike trails.
Grooming Skaters Waltz, February 27th, 2019.Grooming North Loup for skate and fat biking, February 27th, 2019.Coating of gliss on the trail, February 27th, 2019.
Paulo and GiGi heading out. February 27th, 2019.Skaters Waltz at dusk. Firm deck but slow snow with cold temps. February 27th, 2019.Start of Twin Lakes filled in with snow after blizzard like conditions. February 24th, 2019.Beating the Blizzard! February 24th 2019.Engaged on the trail! Congrats Bobby and Raquel. February 24th, 2019.Morning snowshoe! February 24th, 2019.Sap Run after fresh grooming February 24th, 2019. Skiing just fine in the woods. Yes, blowing in the open areas.Setting track on Sap Run under the solar lights, late evening, February 22nd, 2019.Ready for a fresh snow ski on Rootin Tootin! February 21st, 2019.Grooming on Skaters Waltz, February 21st, 2019.Setting track on North Loup, February 21st, 2019. North Loup now groomed skater and classic for the weekend. After the weekend North Loup will be groomed skate only for the remainder of the snow skiing season. Also open to fat bikes when firm and temp below freezing.Rootin Tootin after fresh grooming, February 21st, 2019.Chicken Express! February 21st, 2019. We will be adding a new finish to Mother Hen for 2020. Currently Mother Hen is a skier made track.Setting track on North Loup after grooming the skate lane earlier. February 20th, 2019. North Loup will be groomed for skate and classic on the weekend than groomed skate only after the weekend.Start of Bullhead lake trail after new track cut, February 19th, 2019.Chinn boys after a run around Lucky’s Loype. February 19th, 2019.Snowshoe trail packed nicely after the weekend. February 18th, 2019.Cutting new track on Sap Run, February 18th, 2019.Skaters Waltz extension, February 17th, 2019.Roy’s Run, February 15th, 2019.Start of Lucky’s Loype, February 15th, 2019.Snow cones in field near Skaters Extension. Recent snow very light and dry and settling 3-4″ already. February 15th, 2019.Still some high bush cranberries in the woods. Pileated woodpeckers like them! February 15th, 2019.Sukkerbusk mid day, February 15th, 2019.North end of Bullhead, February 15th, 2019.Shoveling out drift on Island Lake trail, February 15th, 2019.North end of Bullhead, February 15th, 2019.Dusting of snow on Skaters Waltz after yesterday afternoon grooming. February 14th, 2019.Dusting of snow on North Loup after grooming yesterday. February 14th, 2019. Blustery in the open area but nice in the woods!Shoveling out a drifted section, afternoon February 14th, 2019.Snow globe scene on Island Lake trail, February 13th, 2019.Canadian week at Maplelag. Winnipeg area group enjoying the wonderland conditions on the western trails. February 13th, 2019.Canadian Week at Maplelag, West Hawk Lake group ready for another outing, February 13th, 2019.Frosty scene at the trail head, February 13th, 2019.Sap Run, February 13th, 2019.Sap Run, February 13th, 2019.Sap Run, February 13th, 2019.Frosted tamaracks, February 13th, 2019.Ice skating rink, February 13th, 2019.Start of Roy’s Run, February 13th, 2019.Lovely snow banks on Wavy Gravy, February 13th, 2019.Fantastic snow coverage between Twin Lakes, February 13th, 2019.Suicide Hill combed out, February 13th, 2019.Larry and Nancy sharing their love for winter. Thank you! February 13th, 2019.Great way to spend the last morning of vacation….skiing in fresh snow! February 12th, 2019.Jigsaw puzzle masters out for a morning ski. February 12th, 2019.Setting track on final climb Twin Lakes, February 12th, 2019.Adventure trail segment on Lucky’s Loype. Nice skied in track! February 12th, 2019.Sava Sauna and Finish Log cabins. February 12th, 2019.Snow piling up around the Norwegian Log cabin, February 12th, 2019.Great snowshoeing conditions, February 12th ,2019.Combing inner loop Skaters Waltz extension, February 11th, 2019. Skate skiing continues to improve with daily grooming and warming temps.Island Lake trail, February 9th, 2019.Lucky’s Loype on the edge of the Skinny Field, February 9th,Lucky’s Loype, February 9th, 2019.North end of Bullhead Lake, February 9th, 2019.Fresh track on Bootleg Extension, February 9th, 2019.Diamond over the Orange Caboose, February 8th, 2019.Fantastic sun dogs morning February 8th, 2019.-20 air temp not stopping the “Loonies” from a morning ski. February 8th, 2019.Combing skaters waltz, February 8th, 2019. Slow conditions skating. Should improve daily with warmer temps.Setting double track on North Loup. February 8th, 2019. Double tracks will remain until further notice.New track cutting on JibFly. February 8th, 2019. All the sloughs and ponds completely filled in with snow now.Grooming on Twin Lakes, February 7th, 2019.Grooming Skaters extension, February 6th, 2019. We made multiple passes on Skaters and Extension, focusing on the these trails for skating for the weekend. North Loup will be double tracked for classic for the weekend.Setting new track on Sukkerbusk for third time in past 24 hours, February 5th, 2019.Twin Lakes groomed again after initial grooming yesterday, February 5th, 2019.Combing skaters waltz, February 5th, 2019.New track on Lucky’s Loype, February 5th, 2019.North end Bullhead looking better after each snowfall, February 5th, 2019.Cutting new track on Bootleg extension of Bullhead lake trail, February 5th, 2019.Grooming through the pines in the skinny field on Lucky’s Loype, February 5th, 2019.Setting fresh track at trail head, February 4th, 2019.Roy’s Run filled in nicely at north end, February 4th, 2019.Snow filling in the marsh area nicely in between Twin Lakes, February 4th, 2019.Roy’s Run after fresh grooming, February 4th, 2019.Ladies of “Memories of Birch” group ready to snowshoe. February 4th, 2019.Grooming on Sukkebusk, February 4th, 2019.Sap Run February 4th, 2019.Snowshoe trail, February 4th, 2019.Afternoon sun dog over north Twin Lake. February 4th, 2019.Grooming in between Twin Lakes. February 1st, 2019. Snow is getting deep when it covers all the marsh areas!North Loup at dusk, February 2nd, 2019. Classic track nice skiing. Skate lane firming up after repetitive grooming.Love seeing wood skis on the trails! February 1st, 2019.New track cut on Roy’s Run, February 1st, 2019.North end Bullhead trail after new track set, February 1st, 2019.New track on Twin Lakes crossing, January 31st, 2019. Island and Wavy trails on tap for grooming today.Grooming on Twin Lakes, January 31st, 2019.Grooming on Mother North Star, January 31st, 2019.Beautiful afternoon skiing. Sun out, no wind taking the edge of the cooler temps. January 30th, 2019.Beautiful afternoon skiing. Sun out, no wind taking the edge of the cooler temps. January 30th, 2019.Cutting new track on Sukkerbusk, January 30th, 2019.
Roll packing Suicide Hill, January 29th, 2019.Packing through the square field, January 29th, 2019.Polar Vortex skiers!! January 29th, 2019.Rollpacking on Skaters Waltz extension new inner loop, January 29th, 2019.Skiing at -30 air temp!! January 29th, 2019.Roll packing on North Loup, January 29th, 2019. All skate trails will be combed on Thursday or Friday.
Setting new double track on Twin Lakes. Sun popped out for a few hours! January 28th, 2019.Setting new double track on Mother North Star, January 28th, 2019.Family Ski time! Embrace the Polar Vortex! January 28th, 2019.
Setting track on Island Lake trail, January 28th, 2019.Setting new track on Roy’s Run, January 28th, 2019. Snow getting deeper!Washburn Nordic Ski Team ready for a Sunday Funday on the trails, January 27th, 2019.Heading out to the trails, January 27th, 2019.North end of Bullhead lake trail after fresh grooming, January 26th, 2019.North end of Bullhead lake trail after fresh grooming, January 26th, 2019.Grooming on Lucky’s Loype, January 26th, 2019.Skaters Waltz groomed once again, January 26th, 2019.Incredible fat biking conditions on the groomed Twin Lakes singletrack, January 26th, 2019.Bootleg extension of Bullhead lake trail after fresh grooming, January 26th, 2019.Bullhead lake trail after fresh grooming, January 26th, 2019.North end of Bullhead lake trail after fresh grooming, January 26th, 2019.Grooming on Lucky’s Loype, January 26th, 2019.New track cut between Twin Lakes, January 25th, 2019.New track cut on Roy’s Run, January 25th, 2019.Track reset and skate lane combed on North Loup. January 25th, 2019. Recommended to classic with cooler temps.Sun dog over Maplelag! January 24th, 2019.Fresh tracks on Sukkerbusk, January 24th, 2019.Sun dogs over grooming on JibFly, January 24th, 2019.Coming in from a afternoon ski! Dress properly and some great skiing to be had. January 24th, 2019.Grooming on Skaters Waltz, January 23rd, 2019.Inner loop of Skaters Waltz extension fresh groomed, January 23rd, 2019.Resetting track and combing skate lane on North Loup, January 23rd, 2019.Resetting track on Sap Run, January 23rd, 2019.Mother North Star with dusting of new snow on top of recent grooming, January 23rd, 2019.Lucky’s Loype skier packed 6″ new snow on top of recent grooming, January 23rd, 2019.Suicide Hill waiting for skiers to turn up fresh powder. January 23rd, 2019. Groomed after first 3″, will be groomed again before weekend.Setting new track on Roy’s Run, January 22nd, 2019.Setting new track on Sukkerbusk, January 22nd, 2019.Snow formations! January 22nd, 2019.Setting track on North Loup, January 22nd, 2019. Skate lane packed, will be combed this week.
Winter scene near Sukkerbusk, January 22nd, 2019.Fresh track on JibFly, January 22nd, 2019.Setting new track on Island lake trail, January 22nd, 2019.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center