Trail Report

Excellent skiing conditions. Compacted base on the trail is 6-10″ and snow depth in the woods is 15-25″. Grooming today on JibFly, Mother Hen, Sap Run, Sukkerbusk, Rootin Tootin and Mother North Star setting new tracks. The woods are still flocked with some of the snow from the storm a few weeks ago. We picked up and inch or two this week of fresh snow and more snow forecasted tonight, tomorrow and over the weekend. Conditions couldn’t be much better and skiing is fantastic. We will be grooming the next two mornings for sure. All the trails are groomed and tracked including Island Lake and the bootleg extension of Bullhead which we clipped and cleared the first part of the week. There are still a few low hanging branches and face slappers here and there but we are trying to clear the trails the best we can. Skaters Waltz and Skaters Extension groomed and open for skating.