Trails are open. Beautiful skiing. Dusting of snow overnight after snow flurries lingered most of the day on Sunday. Grooming this morning on all the skate trails. (We will be grooming on Skaters Waltz this afternoon for the race tomorrow. Please skate on outer trails if possible.) Thank you!
We groomed the entire groomed trail system on Friday mixing the new and old snow before the temps dropped. Saturday night we cleaned up the tracks on Twin Lakes and combed out Skaters Waltz as well as Suicide Hill and Single Green.
Note: Please do not snowshoe or walk on ski or fat bike trails. Thank you! We have designated snowshoe trails for snowshoeing and walking. We take pride in having as “clean” as possible ski andfat bike trails.
We will be hosting a high school race on Tuesday January 19th. With COVID restrictions, it will be a all day event. It will be a skate race on Skaters Waltz. All other trails will be open. We
will be grooming on Monday afternoon on Skaters Waltz and ask skiers to
stay off the trail so it can set up proper for the race on Tuesday.
All day and season passes for non overnight guests must be purchased online through the website.(click here) Parking in first parking lot as you enter Maplelag.Click here for trail map. There are no services in the main lodge. No ski rental available at this time.
Grooming Update: We groomed the entire groomed system all day Friday. Touch up grooming as needed through the weeek.
Trails groomed for double track include Sap Run, Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes, JibFly, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star and Mother Hen.
Trails groomed forsingletrack classic skiing include Wavy Gravy, Island Lake, and Roy’s Run. North Loup now groomed with track on side of skate lane.
Skate trails groomed include Skaters Waltz, Suicide Hill, Single Green, Krisitin’s Kutoff, Skaters Extension and North Loup.
Adventure trails: Bullhead and Lucky’s are not machine groomed and are “adventure” ski trails with skier made track. We will groom the Bootleg extension once there is more snow at the north end. Skiable with skier made track and now machine packed.
Please no snowshoeing or walking on ski and fat bike trails.
Total new snowfall past 24 hours at 2″. Snowfall past 21 days around 19″. Total snowfall on season 32″ (since October 14th) Compacted base on trail 4-8″.
We have a area cleared off for skating in front of the old sauna on the lake. Ice thickness ranges from 7-9″ on area lakes we have been on. Snowshoe trail is open for snowshoeing. Please no hiking or walking on the ski trails!
First part of Bullhead Lake and Lucky’s Loype that traverse on AMA land not groomed. Use caution as unmarked obstacles etc. may exist. Not recommended to ski, assume all risk.
Please no snowshoeing or walking on ski and fat bike trails.
Please note the lodge will be closed to day skiers as a result of COVID-19 precautions. This includes no ski rental availability. If you do enter the lodge, please follow signs for entering and exiting. Restrooms located downstairs. Porta bathrooms in far parking lot. Please help keep Maplelag open by limiting inside use.
Family ski! January 16th, 2021.Striding on Roy’s Run, January 16th, 2021. Singletrack classic trails skiing very nice!Skaters Waltz, January 16th, 2021.Suicide Hill fun! January 16th, 2021.Skaters Waltz extension, January 16th, 2021. Be sure to ski the extension loops if skating, skiing very nice!Setting new track on JibFly, January 15th, 2021.Setting new track on North Loup, January 15th, 2021. Skate lane also renovated and groomed today.Setting new double track on Twin Lakes, January 15th, 2021.Skier made track on Lucky’s Loype with fresh snow on top, January 15th, 2021.Renovating and combing Skaters Waltz, January 15th, 2021.New track set on Roy’s Run, January 15th, 2021. All singletrack classic trails groomed today.Grooming at sunset, mixing new snow with the base underneath, January 14th, 2021. New snow will make for nice skiing this weekend! Skier made track on Lucky’s Loype, January 13th, 2021.Skinny field pines on Lucky’s Loype, January 13th, 2021.Skaters Waltz left, Mother North Star right, January 12th, 2021.Frosty Skaters Waltz, January 12th, 2021.Lucky’s Loype, January 12th, 2021. Lucky’s and Bullhead are designated adventure trails. Use caution on non maintained AMA segments. Unmarked obstacles exist. Tracks on Mother North Star holding great after grooming last weekend, January 12th, 2021.Late afternoon ski on Roy’s Run, January 11th, 2021. Tracks in great shape, light coating of frost making for nice conditions. End of Roy’s Run, January 11th, 2021. Frosty scene at Sukkerbusk and the legendary orange tractor, January 10th, 2021. The orange “Allis” tractor was used to clear and mow trails in the early years of Maplelag.Striding Sukkerbusk, January 8th, 2021.Frosty scene at Twin Lakes crossing, January 8th, 2021.Cutting new track on Island Lake trail, January 7th, 2021.New track on Twin Lakes trail, January 7th, 2021.Cutting new track on Wavy Gravy, January 7th, 2021.Crossing to western trails, January 7th, 2021.New track cut on Roy’s Run, January 7th, 2021.Renovating and combing skate lane on Skaters Waltz, January 7th, 2021.Striding on North Loup, January 5th, 2021. Now groomed for skate and classic. Classic track in superb shape and skiing excellent!Heading down the hill on North Loup, January 5th, 2021. Sukkerbusk, January 5th, 2021. Setting track on North Loup, January 4th, 2021. North Loup now groomed for skate and classic skiing. Renovating and combing Suicide Hill, January 4th, 2021.Morning ski on Rootin Tootin, January 3rd, 2021.Frosty start area, January 2nd, 2021.Skaters Waltz, January 2nd, 2021.End of Sap Run ski trail, January 2nd, 2021.Top of Suicide Hill, January 2nd, 2021.Sukkerbusk, January 2nd, 2021.Sap Run, January 2nd, 2021.Mother North Star ski trail, January 2nd, 2021.Maplelag grounds, January 2nd, 2021.Cutting fresh double track on Sap Run, December 31st, 2020.Frosty scene over slough near JibFly, December 31st, 2020.Setting new track on Roy’s Run, December 31st, 2020.New Years Eve skiing! December 31st, 2020. Great moonlight skiing this week!Slough near Mother North Star trail, December 31st, 2020.Skaters Waltz extension at dusk, December 31st, 2020. Skate deck firming up nicely. North Loup, December 31st, 2020. Next week we will cut a track on the side. Yeah for more fresh snow! Family skiing on Sap Run, December 30th, 2020.Setting track on Island Lake trail, December 30th, 2020.Setting singletrack on Wavy Gravy, December 30th, 2020.Packing on Single Green for skating, open track skiing, December 30th, 2020.Packing on Sukkerbusk before later setting track, December 30th, 2020.Twin Lakes return, December 30th, 2020.Setting fresh track on Twin Lakes, December 30th, 2020.Snowshoeing in the new snow, December 29th, 2020. Snowshoes trails are open and packed. New loops this year on the Maplelag property and also anywhere is open to snowhoe except the ski trails. Please do not snowshoe (or walk) on the ski trails. Sukkerbusk two way skiing fun! (same family members) December 29th, 2020. All trails are one way except classic trails Sukkerbusk and Sap Run and skate trails Skaters Waltz.Skiing under the moonlight, December 28th, 2020. Incredible light at 9:30pm. Moon rise will be later as we move through the week and nights look to be clear to provide nice skiing after 9pm.Setting fresh double track on Twin Lakes trail, December 28th, 2020.Skaters Waltz extension freshly groomed and all skate trails, December 28th, 2020.Coach Dooher out for early morning ski enjoying fresh snow, December 28th, 2020.Setting new track on Sukkerbusk, December 28th, 2020.One more workout for Paul before heading back to Europe for the Biathlon World Cup, December 28th, 2020.Sukkerbusk December 27th, 2020. Fresh snow from today skied in on previously machine groomed set tracks. Skaters Waltz extension, December 27th, 2020. All skate trails groomed today.Start of Roy’s Run, December 27th, 2020. Dusting of new snow on top of yesterday’s grooming. Eventually skied in today.End of Roy’s Run, December 27th, 2020.Frosty scene in between Twin Lakes, December 26th, 2020. Bit rough still but skiable and a few more inches will improve conditions. Lots of smiling faces on the trail today, December 26th, 2020.Grooming on Suicide Hill, December 26th, 2020.Setting track on Roy’s Run. Most of Roy’s tracked. A few rough spots to the north. Again, an inch or two will improve conditions big time. Three generation family ski! December 26th, 2020.Frosty fun! December 26th, 2020.US Biathlon team member Paul Schommer on short break from World Cup getting some training in at Maplelag, December 26th, 2020.Sunrise ski on Mother North Star trail, December 25th, 2020.Mother North Star, December 25th, 2020.Great afternoon ski, December 24th, 2020.Heading down Sap Run, December 24th, 2020.Setting double track on Mother North Star, December 24th, 2020.Resetting track on Twin Lakes trail, December 24th, 2020.Setting double track at end of Sukkerbusk, December 23rd, 2020.Checking out the track on Sap Run at dusk, December 23rd, 2020. Track has blown in a few areas from wind but nice to have tracks set now! Setting double track on Sap Run, December 23rd, 2020. Track set on most of the trail, no track set in thin areas.Track setting on Sukkerbusk, December 23rd, 2020. Most of the trail has track set. In thin areas, option to step out of track and ski on packed/combed area on side.Windchill warriors! Every day a great day to ski when snow on the ground! December 23rd, 2020.Roll packing on Suicide Hill, December 23rd, 2020.Blustery conditions on Twin Lakes trail but grooming continues, December 23rd, 2020.Striding on Sukkebusk, December 22nd, 2020. Nice classic skiing even with no tracks set.Scenic spot in the “skinny field” on Sukkebusk trail, December 22nd, 2020.Skating around “Roy’s Field” on Skaters Waltz extension, December 22nd, 2020.Good early season skating on Skaters Waltz, December 22nd, 2020.Climbing “Kamikaze Hill” on Skaters Waltz, December 22nd, 2020.Family ski in the fresh snow! December 21st, 2020.Skiers on Sap Run, December 21st, 2020.Skater on Skaters Waltz, other than the Kamikaze hill, good early season conditions on entire loop. December 21st, 2020.Grooming on Skaters Waltz, December 21st, 2020.Smoothing with the Ginzu groomer, December 21st, 2020.Grooming on Suicide Hill, December 21st, 2020.Grooming on Sap Run, December 21st, 2020.Evening groom during snowfall, December 20th, 2020.Evening roll packing, December 20th, 2020.Checking out conditions on Sukkerbusk, December 19th, 2020. Getting closer to officially opening the trails!Skaters Waltz, December 19th, 2020.Great skiing on Bullhead lake, December 19th, 2020.Roll packing the thin layer of snow on Skaters Waltz, December 18th, 2020. Sap Run and Sukkerbusk also packed today.Packing the snow to a thin base on Suicide Hill, December 18th, 2020.Late afternoon skate, December 17th, 2020.Lake skiing on Little Sugarbush lake, December 16th, 2020. Thin layer of snow but skiable with classic technique.Area cleared off for skating in front of the lodge, December 16th, 2020.Tamarac trees in between Twin lakes on Wavy Gravy trail, December 15th, 2020.Rare chewing on a tamarack tree by a beaver, December 15th, 2020.Packing fresh snow end of Sap Run trail, December 14th, 2020.Sukkerbusk as it passes through the Skinny FieldSukkerbusk, December 14th, 2020.Frosty scene at Twin Lakes crossing, December 9th, 2020.High bush cranberries, December 8th, 2020.Morning scene near the ice rink, December 8th, 2020.Skating on the lake December 8th, 2020. Frosty scene around Dry Lake/North Loup ski trail, December 7th, 2020.Frosty scene at end of Maplelag driveway looking west down the “Goat Ranch Road”, December 7th, 2020.Start of Twin Lakes trail, December 4th, 2020.Twin Lakes trail looking from top of “Eagle’s View”. December 4th, 2020.Great ice skating on Little Sugarbush lake, December 4th, 2020. 4-8″ of ice.Thin covering of snow on north facing segment of Skaters Waltz, November 30th, 2020.Fresh brown bear track on Wavy Gravy ski trail, December 2nd, 2020.Rootin Tootin as it intersects Skaters Waltz extension, November 30th, 2020.North facing segment on Rootin Tootin ski trail, November 30th, 2020.Sunset over Little Sugarbush, November 28th, 2020.North end of Little Sugarbush Lake with good ice, November 27th, 2020.Taking advantage of nice weather for late season trail tuning, November 23rd, 2020.Trail crew! November 23rd, 2020.Cleaning up the edges on Skaters Waltz, November 23rd, 2020.Dusk over Little Sugurbush lake, lake Maplelag is next to, November 22nd, 2020. We slowly continue to “make” more ice. Have clear ice free of snow helpful for making good ice. Skaters Waltz ski trail, November 22nd, 2020. Ready for snow! Riding on a ski trail segment of the mountain bike course, November 22nd, 2020. The mountain bike trails are open for winter riding when the deck is frozen and temps below freezing.Bushwhack skiing on Sukkerbusk, clearing sticks and branches along the way. November 17th, 2020.Afternoon sun filtering through the forest, November 17th, 2020.Checking out a groomed portion of trail. Not open for skiing, very thin base. Ready for the next snowfall! November 17th, 2020.Roll packing on Sukkerbusk through the skinny field, November 16th, 2020.Rollpacking on Sap Run, November 16th, 2020.Main lodge, November 16th, 2020.Little Sugarbush lake, lake Maplelag next to, freezing over again last night. November 16th, 2020.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center