Happy Earth Day! A welcomed warm and sunny day on tap after a up and down April temperature wise. Flakes of snow flying the past few days with just a skiff of accumulation.
Hepatica flowers exploding on the forest floor on Saturday. Many sights and sounds of birds and waterfowl in one of the most active times of year for wildlife. The mountain bike trails are open for riding. There are no services in the main lodge. Meal service and lodging closed at this time.
A snow event on April 13th resulted in 4-5″. The amount of snow combined with the cold temps was enough to sneak in a April groom! Skiing after grooming was pretty awesome! What a treat to get in another ski. Snow in April is typical and hasn’t been many Aprils it hasn’t snowed!
Ice off the area lakes April 3rd. True to form, the loons returned. The lake is busy with waterfowl enjoying the solitude before summer lake activity.
We are starting to work on the trails, clearing deadfall and opening up the mountain bike trails. Mountain bike trails now open, weather permitting. This spring we will be planting trees and clearing on the trails along with regular forest management. The Maplelag trails are closed to horse travel and motorized vehicles.
Afternoon scene on the Goat Ranch Rd., gravel road that leads to Maplelag! April 20th, 2021.First tree planting of the season, April 20th, 2021. We will be planting about a 1000 trees this spring along the ski trails. Since the first years of Maplelag, we have planted nearly a half million of trees! Scene from the south shore of south Twin Lake, April 20th, 2021.Hepatica flowers exploding on the forest floor thanks to warm and brilliant April sunshine, Saturday April 17th, 2021.Early evening slough scene, April 15th, 2021.Mountain bike singletrack, April 15th, 2021.Crust cruising! Enjoying the last of the late season April snow, April 15th, 2021. Freezing temps the night before making skiing everywhere possible on the remaining coverage. Bear tracks crossing North Loup trail, April 15th, 2021. Denny and Terry after a outing enjoying the April snow, April 14th, 2021. April grooming! Roll packing and combing the snow from today, April 13th, 2021.Heading out for a ski! April 13th, 2021.Suicide Hill, April 13th, 2021.Pretty nice skiing for April 13th, 2021.Snowy scene at Twin Lakes crossing, April 13th, 2021.Kohlepp’s Slough near Mother North Star trail, April 13th 2021.Suicide Hill, April 13th, 2021.Moss covered Skaters Waltz ski trail, April 10th, 2021.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center