Seasonable weather in place after a pleasant weekend. Conditions this fall have been great for clearing leaves off the ski trails with the dominating dry weather as we enter our final phase of fall grooming. We have been working on most of the trail system daily clearing leaves off as they fall. Having the trails as clear as possible before the snow flies allows us to open the trails on minimal snow.
We hit our peak of fall color around September 24th but still enjoying some great autumn scenes. The poplar, oak and tamarack trees on a display of nature beauty as we enjoy one of our favorite times of year.
We are focused on having the ski trails in tip top shape going into the winter. We have been on the trails daily, weather permitting, with final mowing and clearing leaves etc. We will continue throughout the fall right up until the frost sets in and snow flies.
The mountain bike trails are open for riding. We will continue maintaining the trails, and will be open, weather permitting, until November 1st. The Maplelag trails are closed to horse travel and motorized vehicles.