Trails are open. Despite warm temps the past few days, the snow is holding out good providing early season skiing. Best trails for classic are JibFly and Sukkerbusk. Skaters Waltz and the Extension loops skiing well for skating. Today we worked on Skaters Waltz, building up the exposed areas including the Kamikaze segment. We groomed the entire Skaters Waltz at dusk pulling up drier colder snow and setting new texture so it could set up overnight.
Be aware for random rough spots, more so on the outer trails and here and there on the inner trails. Areas of thin cover, organic forest matter including leaves from wind and woodchips from woodpeckers working trees on the side of the trail etc.
Grooming report: This week we will be focusing on Skaters Waltz, JibFly and Sukkebusk for the upcoming ski camp weekend building up thin and exposed areas. Other inner trails will be worked on as time allows.
Tracks have been set for classic skiing on Sukkerbusk, Sap Run, Mother Hen, JibFly, Rootin Tootin, Twin Lakes, Mother North Star, Wavy Gravy, the first part and the last part of Island Lake trail. (middle loop packed and combed) and Roy’s Run. Most of the double track trails only have one track set. We are preserving the other side for future tracksetting. Please no skating on the classic trails. Crossing between Twin Lakes is still rough. Take skis off to get through or possible to make a fun loop by using both Island and Wavy trails (and Twin). Bullhead/Bootleg has been packed and combed on the Bootleg extension and return. Lucky’s Loype is adventure skiing, no grooming on the AMA segments.
Skaters Waltz, the extension loops, North Loup, Suicide Hill, Single Green and Kristin’s Kutoff designated trails for skating.
All trails are one way except Sukkerbusk and Skaters Waltz. Skiing correct direction, especially in early season, helps us maintain the integrity of the base. Thank youi!
SkinnySki.Com First Hand Reports. Thanks for the reports!
Snowfall past 24 hours: 0″
Snowfall past 7 days 0″
Snowfall to date: 18″
Compacted base on trail 1-4″
Fat Bike trails open and groomed. Click here for report.
Lodging for the winter season operations will begin the December 17th weekend. There is no lodging available for winter operations before. Day and season passes can be purchased here.
NO services in the lodge at this time. No ski rental available for day skiing. Parking in far lot near porta potties and recycling bins.