Beautiful summer weather in place after a stormy week with big wind Monday and Friday evenings. Quite a few trees coming down but no damage to any buildings thankfully. Cooler and refreshing weather in place after hot summer like temps Thursday and Friday.
We have been busy working on the ski trails now that the grass is growing good and constantly clearing deadfall. Storm on Monday bringing a fair number of trees down we are clearing as we can.
The woods are very lush and green and vibrant with wildflowers and greenery sprouting from the forest floor. Leaves on the trees have come full circle. We have been clearing on the trails and also planting trees for spring trail work.
Mowing on the trails is in full force right now, June 29th, 2022.Another beautiful summer sunset, June 27th, 2022.Columbine flowers along the trail, June 23rd, 2022.Spectacular sunset in between evening storms, June 20th, 2022.Snapping turtle on the beach, June 20th, 2022.Straight line winds bringing down some trees around the lodge, thankfully no structural damage, June 20th, 2022.Yellow slippers blooming in full force in recent days, June 7th, 2022.Calm waters on Little Sugarbush lake, lake Maplelag is next to. May 31st, 2022.Lush and green conditions on the mountain bike trail, May 30th, 2022.Maple leaves (and the sweet smell) blooming in full force in recent days, May 26th, 2022.Spring sunset on Little Sugarbush near the main lodge, May 25th, 2022.Loons at sunset, May 25th, 2022.Sap from a birch stump “turning” and providing interesting colors, May 22nd, 2022.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center