Waking up to a fresh inch of snow and flurries lingering through the morning! Winter just won’t let go! We had around 5″ of snow Friday night that is still evident around the lodge and on the trails. We are now at 99″ of snow fall on the season!
The edges of the lake that were open water froze over during the weekend and we are not gaining ground on the ice moving off Little Sugarbush. As recent as 2009, we have had Spring storms and ice outs the end of April so this isn’t entirely unusually. Just seems later this year since we had snow in Ocotber and than staying on the ground from mid November until mid April. A few signs of spring with wild onions and other wild plants emerging from the forest floor but spring is having a hard time moving forward! The waterfowl and other migratory birds have moved in providing sounds of spring.