Trails are now closed for skiing and fat biking. We had a great run of skiing in April capping off a fantastic ski season. Was great seeing so many people out enjoying the special late season conditions. Thanks to everyone who supported us this season and the trails. The fire on October 10th was a devastating event for us and the long ski season helped keep us active, restore and gain clarity as we recover from the tragedy last fall.
The trails will open for mountain biking once the frost is out. A good indicator when this occurs is when the ice is off the lakes. We are anticipating ice out early May. Click here for latest update.
Be sure to check back if interested in keeping track of the transition to Spring and Summer and occasional photos of nature around Maplelag. (see bear track photos below!)
Total snowfall this season at 90″. Current compacted base on trail 0-12″.

Friday fun on the trails! April, 7th, 2023.

Thumbs up for late season skiing! North Loup, April 7th, 2023.
Grooming on the skate deck on North Loup, April 7th, 2023.