Happy May! The snow has all but melted with just a few scattered patches here and there. The water tables have been restored thanks to the snowfall this season just under 100″. A few signs of spring emerging from the forest floor with a handful of wild flowers blooming and the bullrushes in the sloughs starting to emerge. Waterfowl active as ever including loons that have been waiting for the ice to completely come off Little Sugarbush lake which should happen sometime this week.
The mountain bike trails are open for riding. Click here for latest update. Maplelag trails are closed to all motorized use and horses. Windy conditions the past few days have brought down a few trees to clear which is part of our year round trail work as we constantly work on the trails for the next ski season and maintain 25 miles of mountain bike trail.
We had a great run of skiing in April, officially skiing on April 23rd capping off a fantastic ski season of 153 skiable days starting the third week of November. Was great seeing so many people out enjoying the special late season conditions. Thanks to everyone who supported us this season and the trails. The fire on October 10th was a devastating event for us and the long ski season helped keep us active, restore and gain clarity as we recover from the tragedy last fall.
Total snowfall this season at 96″ which ranks in top 5 of total snowfall in one season at Maplelag.
Lake scene on Little Sugarbush early afternoon, May 2nd, 2023. Ice should be off by end of day May 3rd!Pond near Mother Hen ski trail, May 2nd, 2023. The water levels are at normal levels after being restored from this years snowfall. Hepatica flowers blooming in full force on the forest floor, May 2nd, 2023.Mountain bike singletrack, May 2nd, 2023. Mountain bike trails are now open. Pair of swans in a pond near Rootin Tootin ski trail, May 1st, 2023.Moss coming back to life on Skaters Waltz ski trail, May 1st, 2023.Ice melt being expedited this week with strong winds during the day, May 1st, 2023.Just a few patches of snow is all that remains from this past winter, April 30th, 2023.Twin Lakes crossing, April 30th, 2023. After a very dry fall, water levels in the area ponds and sloughs are back to normal after a healthy snow season.First wild flowers emerging from the forest floor, April 30th, 2023.Bullhead Bootleg singletrack, April 30th, 2023. The entire trail system is open. We are clearing on the entire system and working on signage these weeks. One last ski, April 23rd, 2023.Nature scene, April 23rd, 2023.Snow chimes! April 23rd, 2023. Branch was submerged in in pond, ice formed than branch related pulling up chunks of ice! Taking in the fresh snow, April 21st, 2023.Setting track through the Skinny Field, April 21st, 2023.Fresh snow surrounding a trail side pond that recently was ice free, April 21st, 2023.Winter wonderland the end of April 21st, 2023.
A Family Owned and Operated Destination Cross-Country Ski Center