Trails are now closed to skiing and fat biking until more snow and colder weather. A rough 24 hours for the trails with warm temps during the night and wind. Rain on Thursday wiping out a lot of the base unfortunately. Looks like rain most of the day before cooling down and a chance of snow. Forest travel will be on hold until it freezes down, hopefully by early Friday morning.
Fat bike trails are closed until consistent cold weather during the day and new snow. Latest fat bike trail report.
Please no walking on the ski or fat bike trails. Snowshoe trails are open for hiking and hiking possible outside or along the ski trails.
Trail passes can be purchased on the products page.
Maplelag current conditions including data from the new Maplelag weather station can be found on the Weather page. Total snowfall since November 1st at 12″. Current snow depth is 0-3″ and compacted base on trails is 0-2″.