Ski Trail Report

Trails are now closed until snow returns.  After a couple warm days on the weekend, cooler weather has moved back in with lows in the lower teens and highs in the mid to upper 30’s. The lake remains covered in ice with thickness ranging from 10-14″. With no snow cover, we are “making” ice at nights and there is no open water on the edges. We had a nice few days of skiing last week after snow on Tuesday and grooming until melting out Friday afternoon.

The Fat Bike trail remains open in the mornings provided it freezes hard at night to be able to ride on frozen ground. The frost is still set in so when it warms up, it gets very muddy.  Latest update on the Fat Bike Trail Report.

Although this year was one of the lowest snow years to date on record, it was an opportunity to learn more about grooming, preparing the trails for winter and being prepared for future low snow years. For as long as we have been grooming, every year is different and what makes it interesting and enjoyable! 

Thank you to everyone that has visited us this past year from the overnight guests to the day users. We appreciate it very much! 

We will continue to update daily as we enjoy sharing what is happening on the trails, weather and nature. 

On a side note, this winter with low snow and frozen ground has been favorable for cutting deadfall and windblown trees from storms and wind. Most of the woods we use for the wood fire stoves and campfires at Maplelag but bigger logs that have are not rotten we use for shelving, tables and other projects!

Skaters Waltz ski trail, March 4th, 2024.
Dusk along Sukkebusk, March 4th, 2024. The area to the left will be a future evergreen tree grove with trees planted in remembrance of Maplelag guests. 
David and Jackson out for a few morning laps, March 1st, 2024.
Smiles in the Skinny Field, March 1st, 2024.
Heading down the big hill “Eira” towards Bullhead Lake, March 1st, 2024.
Heading back up! March 1st, 2024.
Splitting wood for the sauna, February 27th, 2024.
Clearing blow down from fall storm along the trail for firewood, February 27th, 2024.
Loading big blocks for future projects on the cabins, February 25th, 2024.