Trails are open. Dusting of snow the past 24 hours. The base has froze down hard after Sunday’s warmth and rain and the coverage is very good. The base held out well and the rain made the deck rock solid. From a grooming perceptive, the base couldn’t be in much better shape and any new snow will greatly improve the conditions. We groomed on Skaters Waltz Monday afternoon and part of the classic trails pressing the dusting into the base and mixing with the “Ginzu” teeth the best that we could.
We are back on trails this morning combing the no track set classic trails, and combing out North Loup and Skaters Extension. The new snow filled in the tracks and improved the classic skiing. The base is rock solid but the dusting of snow taking off the hardness. A Monday evening ski found pretty nice conditions, all things considered, for early season and not as icy as expected.
Recommend classic skiing on trails with machine set tracks: Sap Run, JibFly, Mother Hen and Sukkerbusk. Skating recommend on Skater Waltz and the extension of Skater Waltz. Please do not skate on trails outside of Skaters Waltz and Skaters Waltz extension. Thank you!
Mother North Star and Rootin Tootin have been packed and combed for no track classic skiing. The west trails are also open for no track classic skiing but use extra caution if venturing over there if there are a few more rough/thin areas, especially on Twin Lakes. North Loup and Roy’s run have been packed and groomed but closed until we get a few more inches of snow and can provide safer skiing.
Early season conditions. Use a little extra caution. We have been grooming and skiing since November 20th. 10″ of snowfall this season, compacted base on trail 1-3″. The ground was very warm when the first snow fell and much melted off but grooming and cold temps helping set frost into the ground. Snow depth in woods 4″
Season passes can be purchased here.
Fat Bike Trails are open. Click here for report.