Trails are open. Great ski conditions! It’s been a few years since all the trails have been groomed and open before Christmas! The snow earlier in the week has seasoned nicely after grooming and skier traffic. Warmer temps activating the snow for silky like glide.Today tracks were reset on Sap Run, Sukkerbusk, Mother North Star and Twin Lakes. The skate lanes also touched up with a light renovation and comb. Temperatures quite a bit cooler than forecasted. The trails will be open on the 24th and 25 for day skiing.
Sunday we groomed across Bullhead lake to groom the rest of the Bullhead Lake trail on non AMA land and the Bootleg extension. Recommended to follow the groomed track to ski across the lake to access the Bootleg loop. At end of Bootleg loop, take left up the hill to the access trail to ski back across the lake. Also option to go right end of Bootleg to ski down to north end of Bullhead lake than double back.
Saturday grooming saw skate lanes combed out on Skaters Waltz, the extension loops, North Loup, Kristin’s Kutoff climb, Single Green climb, and Eira Bikwadinaa hill. Also for the first time this year packed out the last part of Bullhead lake trail from the crossing on the north end of Bullhead Lake to the skinny field. No track set but open as a fun out and back ski for an additional 3km groomed.
Classic only skiing on trails with machine set tracks: Sukkerbusk, Sap Run, JibFly, Mother Hen, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star and Loon Return. Roys Run, Twin Lakes, Wavy Gravy and the first and last part of Island Lake trail now tracked as well. North Loup has a track on the side and a skate path.
Skating on Skater Waltz, the extension of Skater Waltz, Single Green climb, Kristin’s Kutoff, Eira Bikwadinaa hill and North Loup. Also possible to skate ski the last part of Bullhead lake trail as out out and back. Please do not skate on trails outside of the designated skate trails. Thank you!
We had a great day on Tuesday of this week hosting the 30th annual Dl Invite Nordic Ski Meet. Nearly 400 skiers from northern, western and central Minnesota convened at Maplelag as Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Jr High skiers competed on Skaters Waltz in skate races.
We have been grooming and skiing since November 20th. 18″ of snowfall this season, compacted base on trail 3-5″. Snow depth in woods 6-10″
Season passes can be purchased here.
Fat Bike Trails are open but remain snow covered on top of most recent grooming. Click here for report.