Trail Report

Crazy warm weather over the weekend totally wiping out all the snow on the trails. With such dry conditions before the winter, the frost was not down very far and the trails have dried out and are open for mountain biking!! Riding on Sunday was excellent for early season. The lake still had close to 2 feet of ice on Saturday and the surface was amazingly smooth in spots for some late season skating!! The warm breeze rolling off the lake was surreal. The woods are alive with waterfowl with the trumpeter swan leading the way circling around looking for water.


Just enough snow on Suicide Hill Friday morning to log in the last ski of the year.  The snow on Suicide was actually the best it had been all week as it froze down overnight. The skiing could be rated poor but just nice to be out in the woods with the May like weather and intense sunshine.With all the labor we put on the trails, it seems only appropriate to ski on the last remaining patches of snow!  The Twin lakes mountain bike singletrack is free of snow and open for riding. The dry fall combined with warm temps, and snow cover preventing frost from going very deep allowing for the early opening of mountain bike trails.