Crisp, cool with brilliant sunshine on Tuesday. Big time drop in the weather as strong winds ushered in a cold front early Monday morning with temps in the single digits the past few mornings. Very light dusting of snow coming with the cold front that has helped improve the skiing after cooling down from Saturday’s warm weather. Best reports coming from Twin Lakes, North Loup.
There is still good coverage on the trails and trails are skiable, albeit a bit icy. Little bit of new snow helping take off the edge. The ski season is winding down and grooming only on select trails at this stage of the ski season, focusing more on the skate trails. There is still some great skiing to be had, especially when it warms up again and we have true spring skiing conditions. The crust conditions are also excellent and tons of fun skiing to be had off the groomed trails.
Trails that have been recently groomed and open with tracks set: Sukkerbusk, Twin Lakes, North Loup, Rootin Tootin, Mother North Star, Sap Run, Wavy Gravy, Island Lake, North side of Bullhead lake trail and the Bootleg extension, Roy’s Run and JibFly. Skaters Waltz, the extension and North Loup groomed for skating. Please no skating on trails other than Skaters Waltz, North Loup and the extension of Skaters. North Loup also has a track set. Please note portions of certain trails will not be groomed this year due to change in the lease and management on AMA property.
Total snowfall since December 15th=34″, compacted base on trail 3-8″. Snow depth in the woods 4-16″. Total snowfall since December 1st, 40″. Total snowfall since November 20th= 42″. We had a warm spell that melted most of the snow from November 20th and December 1st other than the north facing areas. First grooming of the season on November 20th after 2″ of snowfall. We have been skiing daily and only missed a few days of grooming since December 15th.
The trails are open for public day skiing. Trail access pass is $15. Ski rental is $15 a day. Lunch available for day skiers during the Midweek by reservation. Contact us to reserve and for pricing.