Despite warm temps earlier in the week, we are still hanging on to some coverage and have been skiing on the better sections of trail. A check of the trails Thursday, skiing Skaters Waltz and North Loup found mostly good coverage. Kamikaze section thin and not recommended to ski. Still was a bit icy but just starting to soften up around noon making for fun spring skiing. North Loup little better coverage with just one section very thin with a short bare spot. Skiing is poor to fair with some good sections and also thin bare sections. Use caution if venturing out and be ready for sudden bare spots and lots of forest debris. With the very warm forecast, we will most likely be closing the trails Friday afternoon. This includes being closed to skiing, hiking and mountain biking. Travel on the trails when the ground is soft can be most damaging and please walk/hike on the driveway or forest roads across the Maplelag driveway.
Total snowfall since December 15th=34″, compacted base on trail 0-8″. Snow depth in the woods 4-16″. Total snowfall since December 1st, 40″. Total snowfall since November 20th= 42″. We had a warm spell that melted most of the snow from November 20th and December 1st other than the north facing areas. First grooming of the season on November 20th after 2″ of snowfall. We have been skiing daily and only missed a few days of grooming since December 15th.